All About 

Mrs. Morgan

Welcome to Kindergarten! 

    Hi! My name is Shannon Morgan, and I am delighted to be your child’s teacher this year. Kindergarten is a time of new beginnings, of making friends, and of learning lots of new things each and every day. It's exhausting and exciting and I can't wait to help your child to reach their full potential!

Being a Teacher

    Although, I briefly entertained the idea of a few other occupations while I was in high school, I really think I've always known deep down that I was born to be a teacher. I can't imagine myself doing or being anything else. 2022 marks my 26th year in education and quite frankly, I am not sure where the time has gone. I guess it's really true- time flies when you're having fun! 

    Growing up, I had some fabulous teachers that helped to inspire my love for learning. Therefore, my role as educator, coach, and mentor is not taken for granted. My goal is to create a safe and supportive environment in order to help your children try, fail, and try again. They need to do this every day in order to exercise their resilience. I have very high expectations for them and I know very soon they will also start to have equally as high expectations for themselves. 

Working Together

    With our support and guidance, we will work together to cultivate their love to learn, ask questions, and think for themselves. Before you know it they will become more independent in their thinking and in their perception of what they can do without our assistance. It may take a lot of convincing at first, but it will come eventually. Trust in the purity of the process. Don't give in to whining, the words "I can't", and crying. Frustration comes in many forms in kindergartners and we need to help rebuild their confidence in themselves and their natural abilities to persevere. We are only asking them to try their best every day and what "their best" looks like will probably change often. Simply putting forth effort and "trying" is paramount for success.

We Can Do It!

    Finally, if all of the above seems like an enormous task to undertake, you're absolutely correct in your perception. Just imagine the anxiety your child might feel. However, don't worry. It's not a race to see who will finish first. Everyone's journey is different in length of time and obstacles. We are in this together and I am always available to assist and serve you and your child in every way that I can.