Computer Lab

Mr. Butler

Contact Information: 

Hi and welcome to my page.  I am excited to be the K-2 computer for Walter C. Black school.  I taught both in the regular ed classroom (kindergarten, first grade, and second grade) and the computer lab since 1994. I am proud to have served my country during the Gulf War and am a proud U.S. Air Force veteran! I live with my wife, Kim.  My daughter, Keighly is graduating and is pursuing a Law Degree.  My son, Aaden is playing college football at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.  He is pursuing a Mechanical Engineering Degree and has been accepted to the NBA program.  I have given back to the East Windsor community as a football and lacrosse coach.  I have coached 16 seasons of sports including boys and girls lacrosse, football, soccer, and baseball!!


This 3 letter word has a huge meaning in my classroom.  I implore students to use the word, "YET" at the end of tasks they they are learning.

Teaching young children independent habits, seeking help with they need it, and helping others in need is the bedrock of my philosophy. 

from there, students can click on computer class to access links used in the lab