Into the Day and Night | June 2021

I have always loved photographing sceneries around me, as it helps me to preserve a small piece of the nature around us. Creating images of this ever changing globe allows me to capture the different kinds of environments we live in, helping me understand how the world works. Our earth holds an array of views. Whether landscapes, seascapes, or cityscapes, the variety tells important stories.

Comparing the serenity of urban locations at night and the activity of the same places during the day illustrates the details that we may otherwise miss during busy hours. Noticeable characteristics such as neon lights, patterns on structures, and how these buildings are lit change greatly from day to night. The photographs are paired as diptychs, created from the exact same vantage points. In the night time, exterior signs and lights will be dominant with dark interiors and no activity visible. This will be balanced with images made during the day, when interiors are well lit and active. Viewers are able to see a different side of these locations that they may have never seen before.