Touching | June 2021

Touch: to bring a bodily part into contact with especially so as to perceive through the tactile sense; to feel.

Over the past 15 months, many have gone without engaging in this kind of touch. Distancing ourselves from friends and loved ones in order to keep them safe, but losing a sense of belonging and connection in the process. As the world heals from this unprecedented time of distancing and separation, I endeavor to remind everyone of the importance and necessity, as well as the joy and pleasure, of both touching and being touched.

My images delve into the different kinds of connections we make through touch, and the bonds that are strengthened by these physical connections. Sometimes it’s in a friendly hug, or the intimacy of holding someone’s hand. It can also be in a lover’s caress, or a mother’s comforting cuddle. This work is a celebration of the power of touch both physically and emotionally, remembering what it’s like to touch others on a personal and a spiritual level.