Siblings | June 2021

I am a portraitist who endeavors to create impactful photographs. This project has given me experience in recognizing and representing the essence of a relationship between subjects. The encounters also helped me learn to capture spontaneous interactions. Additionally, this effort provided an opportunity to present my subjects in significant environments.

Creating portraits that show the relationships between siblings is the focus of this work. Brothers and sisters ranging in age from three to ninety-four participated in the project. Due to the brief nature of our encounters, building rapport and identifying their connections quickly was critical. Each pair came together in an environment important to them, which helped bring out a sense of connection. Engaging one another, the siblings demonstrated the elements of their personalities that create a special bond. These exceptional subjects deserve much of the credit for this work because they were partners in the process of creating it.

I want all viewers of this work to be reminded of their special relationships. I also want them to recognize a portrait can be far more than a record of a person’s likeness; a portrait’s greatest value involves capturing elements of a subject’s personality and connection with others.