Gazebos, Vol. 1 | June 2021

When I look at the world I notice the overlooked and forgotten, the mundane and trivial. Yet, these things contain a hidden charm that is often brushed aside. When I notice the beauty of a neglected object I am fulfilled and enamored by its simplicity. The underside of a gazebo roof is the epitome of this ethos. The symmetry, pattern, texture, and color draw my eyes upward. These gazebos are a constant reminder to always view the world from an alternate perspective.

This body of work is the start of an ongoing project that will span many years to come. Regardless of whether I discover these structures organically or on a planned outing, I am always elated and thankful to the architects that have put a bit of themselves into creating such elegance. To recognize the latent beauty of this architecture allows us to perceive the elegance that resides within ourselves. The unique attributes of each gazebo remind us of our own diversity as people. Despite our differences we are all human just as these gazebos are but one edifice. By changing our perspective of how other humans exist we may be able to see the similarities that are often overlooked.