The Old Hospital

The Old Hospital

Mono County’s first hospital was in Bodie. But Bridgeport did have a Dr. in the early days. His name was Doctor Clark Sinclair, besides being a Doctor he had a drug store and was a sheep rancher. But one of the most notable things about Dr. Sinclair was the fact that he only had one leg. On September 9, 1889 Doc Sinclair was sitting in his drug store on main street when a very drunk ranch hand came in and began explaining how he wanted to shoot a man he had a run in with. He then drew his gun, aimed it at the Docs head, then lowered it and shot him just below his left knee. The wound never healed so he went to Oakland in December and had his leg amputated. Because Doc Sinclair was so well liked and such a skilled physician, the town raised enough money to buy him an artificial limb by May. One of his noted accomplishments was when Bridgeport suffered from a scarlet fever epidemic; out of the 40 cases he treated he only lost one patient.

This building was Bridgeport’s original hospital. It was built in the 1930’s. It was turned into a hospital for Dr. Denton. It had only one private room and 4 beds in another room. The surgical room was near the end of the hall and had a curtain for a door. Being so small and cramped word got out that the Dr. wanted to expand. One day a man came to see Dr. Will about his needs.

Dr.:“Well, this time I think that we should hire an architect.”

Man: “Why? I built this building.”

Dr.:“Yes, I know.”

Mrs. Delury was a nurse here the whole time the hospital was operating. Dr. Will was a heavy smoker and he often needed a cigarette during an operation. If some ash fell into the field of operation Dr. Will would simply remark to Mary “Now, don’t worry, the ash is more sterile than some other things in this room.” A new hospital (1960’s?) was eventually built and this one was turned into offices.