Overview of SST Support

Each year in December the first set of SPP/Profile data is released by OEC/ODE. It is the role of the SST to review the data, determine which districts are in need of support, plan for the support, and deliver the support.

Support may include consultation (for actions of which we are not required members of the district team), professional development and technical assistance on the indicators, data review, completing and submitting the Self Review Summary Report (SRSR), completing and submitting the Indicator Improvement Plan (IP), implementing the IP, correcting non-compliant records and incorporating the actions in the IP into their One Plan.

Our process to streamline these activities is to create a regional data spreadsheet sorting all of our districts by indicator and assigning consultants to oversee the support. Each consultant will invite their assigned district(s) to attend an overview session and plan time to meet with their identified team to view an online/on-demand recorded session about the indicator(s) that impact them. The consultant will also set up a time to meet with the identified district team to begin the support process.

The Overview generally occurs in late January or early February. It is set for about 45 minutes and includes this information:

  • Phase 1 and Phase 2 releases of SPP data

  • Uploading records, SRSR and IP

  • OEDS roles and access the special education profile

  • Manuals by indicator

  • Universal Timelines

  • Root Cause

  • Updates in SRSR

  • Updates in Improvement Plans

  • Hints and Tips slide deck (Shauna)

  • 15 % set aside--Early Intervening for dispro indicators

Each indicator recorded session will include:

  1. What is the indicator measuring? What does it mean? Why did you get flagged?

  2. Due Dates

  3. Recommended Team Membership (include if SST involvement is required)

  4. SRSR

    1. Purpose

    2. Root cause

    3. Cross functional team

    4. Go through questions, have discussion time embedded to think about what data might be used to address the question and build understanding to determine if it contributes to the root cause.

    5. When discussing, make connections to how might become a component of the improvement plan

  5. Improvement Plan

  6. At a minimum, SST consultants must have the opportunity to review and provide feedback on the SRSR and Improvement Plan at least 2 weeks prior to the submission deadline to OEC

  7. Resources: target setting document/video specific to the indicator

    1. Consider checking these videos

The next pages are specific to each indicator that carries required actions. There is a presentation, recording, manual, SRSR, IP and other resources

Indicator Review Overview Session
Indicator Presentation Template

Root Cause Analysis Resources

5-Whys_Worksheet Fillable Form PDF (1).pdf
fishbone diagram template 10.pdf
Fishbone Generation Protocol
Root Cause Checklist (3)
Root Cause One-Pager
February 3rd Breakout Sessions By Indicator