Continuous Support and Improvement

Once the SRSR, IP and records have been submitted, we need to continue to support the districts with implementation and monitoring of their plans. We may need to provide PD, TA, Coaching or resources to districts.  We also need to help them to meet their short and long  term goals and to assist them to incorporate this work into their One Plans. 

Below is a general timeline for our involvement with districts regarding SPP data, SRSRs and IPs. There is also a resource that provides coaching prompts for us to use to assist districts to systematize this info into the One Plan as well as a more comprehensive SRSR that aids the district in reviewing all of their data to identify root cause and prioritize needs

Copy of General Timelines for Continuous Support and Improvement (SPP)
Self-Review Summary Report (4)
CAP to SIP Decision Notes
CAP TO SIP Conversation NOTES