Indicator 8

Indicator 8 measures the percentage of parents with a child receiving special education services in the state who reported that schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving services and results for children with disabilities.

Each year, Ohio’s school districts and community schools send surveys to families of students with individualized education programs (IEPs). This annual survey provides important information that can further inform family engagement efforts by schools, districts, state support teams and the Ohio Department of Education.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that districts collect parent involvement data for their students with IEPs at least once every six years, as part of Indicator 8 (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B)). The Department has partnered with the Center on Education and Training for Employment and Ohio’s Statewide Family Engagement Center at The Ohio State University (OSU) to collect data using a short, online parent survey.


It is requested that LEAs send this notice through the channels LEAs use to communicate with parents/caregivers of children receiving special education services and/or through the channels normally used to communicate with all parents/caregivers of your students, but only children receiving special education services are eligible to participate in the survey.