Indicator 14

Indicator 14 measures the percentage of children with disabilities who, within one year of leaving high school, are enrolled in higher education, participating in a training program, or competitively employed.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires that school districts collect post-school outcome data for their students with individualized education programs, as part of Indicator 14 (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B)). Previously, this had been accomplished via participation in the Ohio Longitudinal Transition Study exit and follow-up surveys, but Ohio is moving to a new process to collect Indicator 14 data this year.

Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, all districts and community schools in Ohio are required to collect post-school engagement data from all students who exited the school district the previous spring every year. This includes students with disabilities who exited by graduating, dropping out, or aging out. These outcome data will be reported by your district in the Education Management Information System (EMIS) in the new "Exiting Student Follow-Up (FW) Record." Data collection will run from November-August, but districts should allow as close to 1 year as possible before following up with students with disabilities.

All the Indicator 14 requirements are now fulfilled through the EMIS data collection, so exits surveys or other survey submissions to the OLTS study are no longer required.

Required Action: Your district must submit data for exiting students with IEPs as outlined in section 2.23 of the Student Record as detailed in the EMIS manual at

Please work with your EMIS coordinator and consult the new “Exiting Student Follow-Up Record” to fulfill this requirement.
