Indicator 3

Indicator 3 includes Assessment Participation & Performance rates and Math and reading assessment participation and proficiency rates

Indicator 3 Alternate Assessment participation

The subsets of this indicator are based on state testing data from grades 4, 8 and HS end of course exams for

  • 3a Math and Reading Participation

  • 3b Math and Reading proficiency

  • 3c Math and Reading proficiency AASCD

  • 3d Math and Reading proficiency gap

The only measure this year that will have REQUIRED actions is 3c AASCD. It is still important to review all Indicator 3 data with districts to review trend data and address any areas of need. Even though there are no required actions this year for 3a, 3b, and 3d, the data are still valid and should be analyzed.

If the district is proposing it has been flagged for the indicator due to incorrectly reported data, they will complete the Data Reporting Error Verification Form (Due: 2-10-23).

Districts Exceeding the 1% Participation Threshold will complete the SRSR and the results Improvement Plan with the support of the SST (Due: 3-31-23)

21-22 SST AASCD updates
3c Indicators (2020)

Recording for the AASCD Session

AASCD Indicator session.mp4
2022-2023 Alternate Assessment Indicator Manual