Indicator 9&10: Identification Dispro Placement and Discipline

Indicator 9 measures significant disproportionality across all disability categories that is the result of inappropriate identification

Indicator 10 measures significant disproportionality in specific disability categories that is the result of inappropriate identification.

Dispro Discipline measures significant, disproportionate representation of students with disabilities of any racial/ethnic subgroup who are disciplined at a higher rate than their peers of all other races/ethnicities.

Dispro Placement measures significant, disproportionate representation of students with disabilities of any racial/ethnic subgroup who are placed in more restrictive settings at a higher rate than their peers of all other races/ethnicities

Generally, Indicators 9 and 10 and Dispro Discipline and Placement are reviewed together and are intertwined.  All presentations, recordings, and resources for these indicators will be displayed together on this page

What is Significant Disproportionality?

For the Dispro Indicators, districts have several actions. They are required to correct any noncompliant records, complete an SRSR and IP and allocate funds to address the identified needs 

'23 Disproportionality Indicator Presentation Template*

Recording of Dispro Session

Indicators 9 and 10 Dispro Video 2023.mp4
2022-2023 Disproportionality Indicators Manual
Early Intervening Services Fiscal Guidance.pdf