Indicator 4

Indicator 4 includes 2 parts: 4a and 4b

Indicator 4a measures significant discrepancies in the rate of suspension and expulsion for students with disabilities compared to students without disabilities.

In Ohio, discipline discrepancies are considered significant when the rate of out-of-school suspensions and expulsions of greater than 10 cumulative days for students with disabilities exceeds the rate for students without disabilities by 1.00% or more for three consecutive years.

Indicator 4b measures significant discrepancies in the rate of suspension and expulsion for students with disabilities, by race, compared to students without disabilities.

In Ohio, risk ratios are considered significant when they exceed 2.50 for three consecutive years. A risk ratio of 2.50 signifies that students with disabilities within a specific racial group are two and a half times more likely to be suspended or expelled for greater than 10 cumulative days than all students without disabilities in the district.

2021-2022 Indicator 4 Manual.pdf
Indicator 4 Self-Review Summary Report.docx