i need english as a second language classes.

Do you need to learn English?  Do you need to learn how to become a responsible community member? Let's find an in-person or remote English class near you. ESL classes are offered to adult students who are 18 years and older.  Classes are offered at all proficiency levels who are wanting to improve their English language skills in basic civics rights and responsibilities, reading, writing, listening, speaking, and digital literacy.

steps to enroll into english class

step 1: complete paperwork with adult education

Call the Adult Education Center at 940-322-6928 to complete registration paperwork by phone or by email through DocHub with one of the Adult Education Center staff members.  Registration paperwork includes enrollment form & training and education plan.

step 2: attend an enrollment session at class site

Attend an enrollment session (click on the class site page to find more information) to complete your registration paperwork (signatures) & provide us with two forms of identification.

step 3: complete your baseline testing

Be administered the Best Oral and Best Literacy to designate a baseline.

step 4: attendance policy

step 5: be active in your distance learning curriculum

Distance Learning access will be given when you reach 12 direct hours in the classroom.  After you have been given access, please work in your Distance Learning Curriculum (Burlington English & Ventures Digital Workbook) for 2-4 hours outside of class each week.

find your class by clicking below on a class site

If you are a current student & need to find classroom links and free resources, click the "Student Portal" icon on the left.  You can find the following: 

(Si actualmente es estudiante y necesita encontrar enlaces de aulas y recursos gratuitos, haga clic en el ícono "Portal del estudiante" a la izquierda. Puedes encontrar lo siguiente:)