Distance Learning


How to Use this Playbook

For Teachers

Use this playbook to guide your instructional planning with intentional use of technology to reach goals in your classroom

For Instructional Coaches

Use this playbook to guide your instructional conversations with teachers

For Facilitators

Use this playbook to enhance your virtual learning experiences

Categories of Technology Tools

A host of digital tools to support planning, instruction, formative assessment, and community building needs during distance learning.
A digital learning hub that holds all remote learning activities.
Resources to support you with live video chats, and synchronous learning, and connecting with students.
Digital tools to record your screen and instruction that can be shared with students at any time.
Tools that make learning visible through collaborative brainstorming, idea exchanges, and sharing of information.
Presentations that have been created to foster student engagement and promote collaboration among teachers and students.
Tools that can be used to gauge student understanding of instructional content.