Primary 6b Blog

August and September 2022

Welcome to the first edition of our Primary 6B blog. We cannot wait to share our learning with you throughout the year. Please enjoy reading about all of the exciting things we have been learning in the first few weeks of term.

Maths and Numeracy

We have been working very hard on place value and the four rules of number, using both decimals and whole numbers. The focus has been on using the methods learnt in problem solving situations. We have really enjoyed the challenge of working out and discussing different ways of solving place value problems. Giving reasons for our answers can sometimes be a problem but we like to give it a go!

Literacy and Language

In Literacy we have read the book Way Home by Libby Hathorn. This book is a picture book for older children with a surprising twist at the end. We have written story maps, diary entries and a narrative story all based around this book.

We have also been concentrating on specific comprehension strategies using guided reading groups as a focus for this learning.

Our weekly Mandarin lessons are a highlight! We have learnt how to say our names, ask someone's name, numbers and different commands and greetings. We also enjoy learning through songs and games.

Health and Wellbeing

P.E. happens twice weekly. We have been working hard on cooperation, teamwork and possession skills through the game of basketball.

Emotion Works is a literacy based programme designed to help children improve their emotional literacy. We have begun to look at the different vocabulary connected to different emotions with a view to feeling that we can say with more ease why we feel the way we do and what happens to us physically when we feel a certain way.


The whole of Primary 6 entered a competition run by Aerospace Kinross to design the best paper aeroplane that they could. We worked in groups, designing, making and measuring! The plane that flew the furthest and stayed in the air for the longest time was put through as our entry. We were successful! We are now through to the next round where we will be working on a series of challenges,over the next couple of months, involving a quadcopter. These challenges include; designing an obstacle course for the quadcopter, researching different roles in aeronautics and how the qudcopter can carry a load. This is an exciting project for all involved. We will update you on our progress in next month's blog!

As you can see from the picture below, we are also learning about materials and their properties. Some of the questions we have been investigating are: What happens when water is added to solids? Which materials are reversible? How can a material return to its natural state?

Context for Learning

In the book Way Home some of pictures show graffiti on the wall. We decided to think about the question- when is graffitti vandalism and when is it art? We took a virtual tour of the Glasgow Mural Trail which some of us recognised and had seen in real life. We then used different street art styles to create our names before going on to creat a mural in groups.

Some of our Mural Designs