AI in Education

 The TIPS Consultants have been presenting to catchment groups and working with staff teams to determine purposeful integration of AI tools into the classroom setting. We can provide professional development sessions with facilitated conversation, starting with any of the topics listed below. We have been working with the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute and the University of Alberta for guidance on this topic and look forward to working with you and your team. 

Edmonton Public Schools neither validates the results of these tools nor endorses these specific tools for use in the classroom. Finding and creating resources for use in the classroom is the classroom teacher's responsibility. If you have questions around the use of AI tools, reach out to your Principal/DU Supervisor.

February 2024 - EdTech Summit - From A-Z (Let's Talk Tech Tools and AI!)

The presentation above has a list of various AI tools being used in Education, as well as some important considerations.

TIPS AI in Education Playlist on YouTube - Click here

Each video features an AI tool, highlighting features that relate to teacher tasks for planning and prepation. There are currently 35 videos with more added regularly. 

AI Literacy: What is AI? How does AI work? 

Learning about artificial intelligence and how it works is essential knowledge for educators who are interested in investigating artificial intelligence in education.  Check out this video and the page linked below to learn more! 

Click HERE for the AI Vocaulary list to support your AI literacy learning. 

Key Considerations:

AI for Professional Tasks

Once you have explored some AI tools and are thinking about how you could use them in your workflow, this section will help you to investigate before investing. The ten steps shared on the linked page provide considerations for ethical use and support staff with an assessment of which actions they may take and which actions may be delegated to AI. 

Key Considerations:

AI and Prompt Generation

Once you've started experimenting with some AI tools, this section will help you with considerations and tips when crafting more effective prompts. Although these prompt generation tips can apply to any large language model (ex. ChatGPT), every application will have nuances for prompting. The considerations and tips shared on the linked page provide strategies and suggestions for questions to ask yourself when prompting an AI tool.

Key Considerations:

AI in Education Research Reel

This month's month featured article is Generative AI: emerging habits, hopes and fears from the Family Online Safety Institute 2023 Research Report. It explores the current awarness levels, perceptions and engagement of both parents and teens toward generative AI. 

Resources: how can I learn more?