Talks and Medias

from 2017

Invited Talks

Webinaire GT son (AFIHM working group on audio interfaces) "Audio interfaces applied to digital accessibility", with Tifanie Bouchara and Fabrice Maurel, February 2021 (online)

e-congress SFO- ARIBa Low vision session, September 2020 (online)

Journees de Reflexions Ophtalmologiques 2020 (Paris, FR)

ARIBa 2019 (Bordeaux, FR)

FISAF 2019 (Paris, FR)

Futur en sciences festival 2019 (Paris, FR)

Invitation to present current researches

Autonomic event on UNADEV booth, 2021 (Paris, FR)

CNAM-Cedric, 2020 (Paris, FR)

Inria Biovision, 2020 (Nice, FR)

LMU München HCUM, 2019 (Munich, D)

ENAC, 2018 (Toulouse, FR)

Cherchons pour voir Lab, 2018 (Toulouse, FR)

Immersion, 2018 (Bordeaux, FR)

Presentations of publications

ACM ASSETS 2020 (TACCESS article presentation)

ICCHP 2020

IEEE VR 3DUI contest 2020

ACM CHI 2019 Workshop "Hacking Blind Navigation"

ACM ISS 2019

ESOF Flash presentation 2018

ICCHP 2018

Laval Virtual Demo (Espace Revolution) 2018

Medias and Press

VISTE project (audio-tactile content) in Romanian national news

VISTE Project (audio-tactile content) in Romanian television program "without prejudice"

VISTE Project in Greek national news

Accessible virual reality podcast, radio (Vivre FM)

Interview Inria (fr) und in english

Participation at Futur En Sciences Festival

Participation to Innovation Day

About the Declic Jeune grant

National French News reportage #1 (France 3) about the project "Talk to my Hand, with your brain"

Radio on the project "Talk to My Hand, with your brain (France Inter)

National French News reportage #2 (France 3) about the project "Talk to my Hand, with your brain"