
  • Associate professor in human-computer interaction (Tenure position) @UCO-Bretagne Sud, MAI Team - since August 2020

  • Postdoc @ LMU München, HCUM Team, September 2019-August 2020

  • Postdoc @ IRIT and Cherchons Pour Voir lab, Elipse Team, April 2019-August 2019 / External collaborator Inria

  • Postdoc @ Inria, Potioc Team, December 2017-March 2019

  • UX and Ergonomics Consulting @ Bertin Technologies (Human Design Group), Valeo Innovation Team, May 2017-November 2017

  • Scientific volontership in VR for automotive @ HS Aschaffenburg, Intelligent Systems and Automation Team, November 2016- January 2017


  • PhD in Computer Sciences, LIG Lab X Université Grenoble Aples X Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2013-2016

  • Engineering School (Master) in Cognitive Engineering, ENSC - Institut National Polytechnique de Bordeaux, 2010-2013

  • Exchange in software engineering at Laval University, Qc, CA, 2011-2012

  • Bachelor Applied Mathematics for Social Sciences, specialized in cognitive sciences, Bordeaux 2 University

Community Tasks

Scientific Animation

Animation of University Structures

  • Academical manager for a master degree in computer sciences / digital communication and multimédia design in Angers campus and Arradon campus at UCO

  • Pedagogical manager for a master degree in computer sciences / digital communication and multimédia conception at UCO-BS

  • Representative of UCO-BS in Faculty of Sciences board

Previous institutions:

  • Workers representative at Inria-Bordeaux center committee

  • Member of the workers organization (AGOS member for Inria, Synergy-LIG member for Grenoble)

Research and Projects Administration

  • Internship projet with the M@D platform at Lorient (France, Bretagne), funding from Fondaton UBS

Previous projects:

Non Profit Organization

  • AdCog (ENSC alumni organization)

  • AFFDU (French organization of graduate women)

  • Femmes & Sciences Organization


  • Diversity grant VR IEEE 2020

  • Best poster award, ZdB Symposium 2019

  • Unadev project with IRSA Bordeaux (<20%)

  • "Innovating for Sensory Disability- Fondation Harmonie Solidarité " 2019 FEDEEH grant, for the Bat'MAT project with S. Lambert and G. Laisne

  • Esof flash presentation selection (6% of the accepted posters)

  • Declics jeunes Grant- Fondation de France (<2%)

  • Day of Innovation 2019 (<15%)

  • Master Degree: magna cum laude



(accepted) Lauren Thevin, Nicolas Rodier, Bernard Oriola, Martin Hachet, Anke Brock, Christiphe Jouffrais: Inclusive Adaptation of Existing Board Games for Gamers with and without Visual Impairments using a Spatial Augmented Reality Framework for Touch Detection and Audio Feedback, PACMHCI ISS. 2021

(patent) Procédé d’affichage en réalité augmentée d’informations destinées à un individu et système embarqué associé - Delivered 18/06/2021

Alexis Audic, Lauren Thévin: COrHA: Architecture multi-agent pour la collaboration Utilisateurs-Objets connectés dans une tâche en domotique, RJCIA. 2021

(Poster vidéo à IHM&IA'21) Alexis Audic, Lauren Thévin : La revanche des Defis Sith


Lauren Thevin, Tonja Machulla: Guidelines for Inclusive Virtual Agents: How do Persons with Visual Impairments Detect and Recognize others and their Activities, ICCHP. 2020.

Lauren Thevin, Tonja Machulla: Three Common Misconceptions about Visual Impairments. IEEE VR 2020 3DUI Contest. 2020.

Lauren Thévin, Carine Briant, Anke M. Brock: X-Road: Virtual Reality Glasses for Orientation and Mobility Training of People with Visual Impairments. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing. 2020.


Lauren Thévin, Christophe Jouffrais, Nicolas Rodier, Nicolas Palard, Martin Hachet, Anke M. Brock: Creating Accessible Interactive Audio Tactile Drawings using Spatial Augmented RealitySubmission. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS'19). 2019

Lauren Thévin, Anke M. Brock: How to move from Inclusive Systems to Collaborative Systems: the Case of Virtual Reality for teaching O&M. In : CHI 2019 Workshop on Hacking Blind Navigation. 2019.


Lauren Thévin, Anke M. Brock: Augmented Reality for People with Visual Impairments: Designing and Creating Audio-Tactile Content from Existing Objects. ICCHP (2) 2018: 193-200

Jérémy Laviole, Lauren Thévin, Jérémy Albouys-Perrois, Anke M. Brock: Nectar: Multi-user Spatial Augmented Reality for everyone: Three live demonstrations of educative applications. VRIC 2018: 27:1-27:6

Lauren Thévin, Anke M. Brock: Egalitarian access to technology: first steps towards collaborative mechanisms for sighted and blind people on the same interactive map. In : ESOF 2018-Euroscience Open Forum. 2018.


Lauren Thévin: Un système-multi agent normatif pour le soutien évaluatif à la collaboration humain-machine : application à la gestion de crise. (A normative multi-agent system for evaluative support in human-machine collaboration : application to crisis management). PhD Thesis, Grenoble Alpes University, France 2016

Maiquel de Brito, Lauren Thévin, Catherine Garbay, Olivier Boissier, Jomi Fred Hübner: Supporting flexible regulation of crisis management by means of situated artificial institution. Frontiers of IT & EE 17(4): 309-324 (2016)

Lauren Thévin, Catherine Garbay, Olivier Boissier, Maiquel de Brito, Jomi Fred Hübner: Institution artificielle située pour une aide à la régulation de la gestion de crises. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 30(1-2): 185-209 (2016)

Lauren Thévin, Julie Dugdale, Olivier Boissier, Catherine Garbay: Evaluating Plans and Human Response Using a Normative Multi-Agent System. ISCRAM 2016


Lauren Thévin, Fabien Badeig, Julie Dugdale, Olivier Boissier, Catherine Garbay: Un système multi-agent normatif hybride pour l'interaction mixte. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 29(3-4): 453-482 (2015)

Maiquel de Brito, Lauren Thévin, Catherine Garbay, Olivier Boissier, Jomi Hübner: Institution artificielle située pour porter la régulation dans le domaine de la gestion de crise. JFSMA 2015: 133-142

Maiquel de Brito, Lauren Thévin, Catherine Garbay, Olivier Boissier, Jomi Fred Hübner: Situated Artificial Institution to Support Advanced Regulation in the Field of Crisis Management. PAAMS 2015: 66-79

Maiquel de Brito, Lauren Thévin, Catherine Garbay, Olivier Boissier, Jomi Fred Hübner: DEMO Situated Regulation on a Crisis Management Collaboration Platform. PAAMS 2015: 267-270


Lauren Thévin, Fabien Badeig, Julie Dugdale, Olivier Boissier, Catherine Garbay: Un système multi-agent normatif pour la collaboration et l'interaction mixte (présentation courte). JFSMA 2014: 203-212

Teaching & Supervision

See the dedicated page: Teaching


Language: French native, English B2, German A2, Spanish A1, Italian A1

Driving licence

Diploma for service dog education