Lauren Thevin

Associate Professor in Computer Sciences and Human-Computer Interaction

Welcome to my web page, I am Lauren Thévin, I was associate professor at UCO-Bretagne Sud in Vannes (Bretagne, France) until the 20th of July 2023. I am currently changing of career. My research is about virtual and augmented reality for people with and without visual impairments. You can find content about my professional activities on the pages accessible through the top-right menu.

You will find an overview of my research topics in the >> Research << tab. My >> CV << is available as well. 

I am very interested in pedagogy and dissemination. Learn more with the list of my teaching and supervising activities in the >> Teaching << tab, and the list of some of my >> Talks << .  Finally, I am involved in several scientific mediation activities, you can learn more in the >> Scientific Mediation << tab, and some >> Demos <<.