Outreach Team

Jack Beaman ('24)

Outreach Team Lead 

Other Campus Involvements: 

Someone You Know (SYK), Interfraternity Council(IFC), Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI), Order of Omega

Platform Interests: 

Health Promotion and Education, Student Affairs, Promoting Transparency from Student Assembly, Promoting Student Rights on campus

Why you believe in this administration: 

I have had the pleasure of working closely with both Terra and Oscar, and I am constantly in awe of their commitment to bettering the W&M community. They are two of the hardest-working people on W&M’s campus, and I know they will do everything in their power to make this campus a safe and welcoming place for all students. Through their various exec positions in multiple organizations, I can not think of better leaders for the W&M student body than Terra and Oscar.  

Student advocacy allows students to have their voices heard and their needs met by the Student Assembly and Administration. It is vital that we provide a space where students feel safe to voice their opinions about how we can better the campus as a whole. Based on my previous work with Terra and Oscar, I can not think of two better people to listen to student voices and implement policies that will benefit the entire W&M community.

Chloe Jones ('25)

Outreach Team

Campus Involvements: 

Alma Mater Productions (AMP), Orientation Area Director, Barksdale Treble Chorus (BTC), Nu Kappa Epsilon (NKE), GSWS Office Assistant, A Cappella (Intonations)

Platform Interests: 

Arts Representation/Advocacy, Student Assembly Transparency with the broader W&M community, Student Org Representation/Support

Why Chloe Supports Terra & Oscar: 

Terra and Oscar are two of the most incredibly genuine people that I know. I am in awe of their passions thus far, their visions for change, and seeing how W&M can grow with their help and administration. I know that the success and wellbeing of students here will be at the forefront of their mind. 

As an involved student, I love feeling supported by my fellow students, our campus community, and our student administration. Student advocacy allows for students to give input in regards to their needs and the betterment of the community and University here, bringing in a much-needed student perspective!

Kay Carter ('25)

Outreach Team 

Campus Involvements: 

Delta Delta Delta (social sorority), Panhellenic Council

Platform Interests: 

Fraternity and Sorority Life collaboration and support for FGLI students as well as making menstrual products more accessible

Why Kay Supports Terra & Oscar: 

I have worked with Oscar in the past and he is a champion for change and someone whose drive and fire for helping others inspires me every day. I am confident that their platform will help better the academic lives of students.

Students are such an important group and capable of making a difference and very few realize the power of speaking up. I think it’s so important to use the voice that we have in order to advocate for ourselves and those around us because historically, our voices have been able to affect real change. 

Kyle Lewis-Johnson ('25)

Outreach Team

Student Assembly Involvement:

 Undersecretary of Student Life (Student Life Department)

Other Campus Involvements: 

Vice President of NOBCChE; WM Chem PRIME chemistry mentor; Sharpe Community Scholars Fellow; Student Organization Recognition Committee member; Orientation Aide (during the Fall and Spring semesters)

Platform Interests:

 Working to have DEI town halls established and efficient for any and all students to be involved in them; being able to work with multicultural organizations and their students and determine how the administration can implement initiatives that make them feel seen and heard on campus; being able to allow FGLI students to have a voice on campus and to feel as though they truly belong on our campus.

Why Kyle Supports Terra & Oscar: 

Both Terra and Oscar have done amazing things in terms of making sure that individuals within their Student Assembly departments are working on obtaining ideas for initiatives that students within the general body are wanting to get involved in and wanting to implement across campus. Apart from this, they have been champions not only in their realms of Health, Safety, and Diversity Initiatives, but also in the other aspects of campus that allow for them to want to get more acquainted with the current administration of the College and also with that of various organizations, their leaders, and the overall student body, as a whole. I have seen them work hard and have a great passion for wanting to change campus for the better, and doing what it takes to get our current administration to listen and hear and value the opinions of the students at William & Mary as long as they are in positions that allow them to be able to do so.

I, being a FGLI student, and also being a minority in several aspects of my life, I believe that it is important to reach out and listen to those who lie on the margins of our communities, or what is perceived as the margins, as these individuals hold the true outlook of what it is that needs to be done and addressed for everyone within a shared space to be included and have the opportunity to have their voices heard. I believe that being able to advocate for anyone and everyone within a shared space is what this campaign is capable of and also what they have shown they can do in terms of being able to shed light on those across campus who are feeling as though there is an aspect of campus that they feel should be improved or even reshaped. Regardless of the status of those across campus as being minorities in a sense, or not, this administration of the campaign has shown that they are leaders for anyone and everyone across our campus of William & Mary.