The Madonna with the Monkey


German, 1471 1528

The Madonna with the Monkey, 1498

Engraving on laid paper

Public domain

Acquired with funds from the Board of Visitors Muscarelle Museum of Art Endowment


Famous in his day and ours, Nuremberg artist Albrecht Dürer was a painter and printmaker. The son of a goldsmith, Dürer was trained as an engraver from his early years. In The Madonna with the Monkey, Dürer’s abilities as an engraver are on full display. The marvelous texture of the monkey’s fur and the detail of Mary’s dress show his meticulous technique.

Dürer’s attention to a human relationship is also evident. Mary holds her son Jesus lovingly but firmly. The chained monkey (a symbol of sin) represents the redemption of humanity through Christ’s birth. Both figures are integrated into the natural world. The background scene was taken from Fisherman's house on a lake, a watercolor Dürer did from life the year previously.

Caitlin Blomo '21

Albrecht Durer, Fisherman's house on a lake, c. 1497, 213 x w. 225 mm, British Museum.

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