The Adoration of the Shepherds


Dutch, 1558 1617

The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1598 1600

Engraving, state III/IV

Public domain

Acquired with funds from the Board of Visitors Muscarelle Museum of Art Endowment


Hendrick Goltzius is one of the great engravers. This work, quite likely his last, was done at a time when his health and eyesight were failing and he turned to painting. Engraved by Goltzius it was printed by his step-son Jacob Matham. Whatever Goltzius’ reason for leaving the engraving unfinished, this work reveals his process from the lightly worked areas around the Christ Child to the meticulously finished figures of the shepherds, Mary, and Joseph. The candle extended out over the child draws attention to this abrupt transition even as it highlights the faces of the meticulously engraved figures.

Hannah London ‘21

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