Intro to Animation

Date: 1/17 - 1/21


  1. Students continue work on animating their Final Animation Project

  2. 12 Principles of Animation: Staging and Anticipation

  3. Review the camera tool in Adobe Animate

Homework: Research and develop ideas for Final Animation Project

Objectives: Students will utilize their previous knowledge and experiences with Adobe Animate to draw, construct the stage, and animate their Final Animation Project Students will learn how to integrate their created character for the cycle. Students will be able to use onion skins to seamlessly transition between each stage of the walk cycle. Students will create a composite image between a custom landscape and a subject of the designer's choosing. Students will use layer masks to control their blending adjustments.

Assessments: Daily meeting, mid project critique, Task analysis sheets


C.12.1 Use the elements and principles of design in sophisticated ways

C.12.2 Understand the procedures of developing quality design

C.12.7 Apply advanced craft and skills to consistently produce quality art