Graphic Design (Quarter 4)

Date: 3/7- 3/11/2022


  1. Class Critique: Composite Images

  2. Students will finish their pen activity project

  3. Introduction: Logo Design

Homework: None

Objectives: Students will learn about the Adobe Photoshop CC workspace. Students will learn about basic image adjustments (brightness/contrast, levels, curves). Students will learn about, manage, and apply layers effectively to their Photoshop projects. Students will learn how to create a refined search on google chrome using the advanced search menu.

Assessments: Concept meeting and critique

Standards: C.12.7 Apply advanced craft and skills to consistently produce quality art

A.A.Cr.1.e: Investigate Explore studio skills, techniques, materials, tools, and elements and principles of art and design.

A.A.Cr.3.e: Make Create works of art that introduce students to media, care of tools, and basic craftsmanship skills.

A.A.R.1.e: Describe Identify details, basic elements, and subject matter of an artwork.