Tea Time at 3:00 p.m. @Slack





We would like to start "Tea Time at 3pm @Slack" as a place where DX Doctoral Fellowship students can interact with each other and with their mentors. This is also a place where they can casually discuss research in different fields.

It is difficult for 467 students to hold a face-to-face meeting, but it does not mean that there could be no place for interaction. Therefore, we ask that you try to schedule your breaks from research activities between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm (core time) and log in to Slack with a feeling of "Take a look what’s going on today.” If you are interested in a topic, please leave a brief comment or a helpful URL, and if you are not interested, you can log out. We hope that many students and mentors can log in at the same time and interact with each other in a relaxed atmosphere.

We would like to make this event a useful place for everyone to relax and exchange opinions and information, so please join us.

Please log in to Slack and join us on channel "#40_teatime-at-3pm".