

Call for Applications: Hokkaido University DX Doctoral Fellowship 

(令和6年3月28日更新 / Updated on March 28, 2024)



Hokkaido University has been successfully selected for 2024 SPRING: Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation and we launch the Hokkaido University EXEX Doctoral Fellowship starting from April 2024 as the succeeding project of the Hokkaido University DX Doctoral Fellowship.

Hokkaido University EXEX Doctoral Fellowship Portal Site:




*The following is information on the DX Doctoral Fellowship. Regarding the EXEX Doctoral Fellowship, we will upload information on the portal site above.



This fellowship program provides financial support, research support, and career path support for doctoral students so that they can concentrate on their research without worrying about living expenses.

 If you are interested, please consider applying!

募集の概要/Outline of Application

対象:博士(後期)課程学生/Eligible students: Doctoral course students of Hokkaido University

※詳細は募集要項を確認してください。/For details, please check the application guidelines.

※このフェローシップへの申請は、北海道大学大学院博士(後期)課程の入試への出願ではありません。大学院入試の詳細については各大学院へお問い合わせください/Application for this fellowship is not an application for admission to the doctoral courses of Hokkaido University. Regarding the entrance exam for the doctoral course, please ask each graduate school.

<待遇/Support contents>

・生活費相当額(年額216万円)/Research fellowship (2,160,000 per year, amount equivalent to living expenses)

・研究費(年額40万円+α)/Research expenses (400,000 yen per year +α)

・キャリア開発・育成コンテンツの提供/Provision of career development and training contents






If you guess your research theme is not suitable to this program, please check out the video message,

the application guidelines, and the FAQ.

You will understand that you are one of the expected candidates.

Please prepare your application immediately.

令和5年10月採用募集要項/Application guidelines for October 2023

申請期間:令和5619日()~令和5630日()17 ※受付は終了しました。

Application Period: June 19 (Mon), 2023 - June 30 (Fri), 2023 5:00 p.m. *Application closed.

申請の流れ/Application Process

下記は概要です、詳細は必ず募集要項をご確認ください。Following is outline, refer to the Guidelines before submitting your application.

【在学生枠への申請のみ】申請にはELMSのGoogleアカウントログインが必要です。 / Only applying for quota for current doctoral students are required to log in with ELMS Google Account for submission.




*In cases you cannot access the Google Form in spite of logging in with your ELMS account: If you use a different Google account on the same Internet browser, the history (cookies) of another account may be retained, which may cause login errors. In such cases, please log out from other Google accounts completely and try deleting the history (cookies) or accessing the form on a different Internet browser. 

1.募集要項を確認する / 1. Check the Application Guidelines


 加点対象教育プログラム一覧(別紙)/List of Educational Programs Eligible for Points (Separate Sheet)





*If you select one of the following educational programs as a program you plan to participate, you need to apply for the pre-application for the program from the following website. Please note that points will not be added if you do not apply for it.





 在学生枠の状況について/Update of quota for current doctoral course students

 UPDATE: 2023.06.15 3年課程 選抜区分A 1名追加、4年課程 選抜区分C 2名追加、選抜区分D 1名追加 / [Quota for 3-year course] Selection category A: 1 quota added. [Quota for 4-year course] Selection category C: 2 quota added, Selection category D: 1 quota added.  

2.指導(予定)教員の推薦書の要不要を確認する/ 2. Check if you need to ask your (expected) supervisor for a recommendation letter.

  教育プログラムに参加済みでない、参加中でない、参加予定がない場合、推薦書が必要になるため、作成・提出を依頼する(詳細は下記5を参照)。/If the applicant has not participated in the educational program or does not plan to participate, a recommendation letter is required. Please request the supervisor to prepare and submit it (refer to the detail in "5" below).

教育プログラムは募集要項をご確認ください。/ Please refer to the Application Guidelines to check the list of educational programs.

本フェローシップ申請に際し指導(予定)教員にあらかじめ了解を得るようにしてください。未定の場合は決まり次第速やかに申請した旨を連絡してください。/You must obtain the approval of your (expected) supervisor before applying for the fellowship. If the supervisor is undecided, please notify him/her of your application as soon as decided.

3.研究計画書を作成する / 3. Create Research Proposal.

研究計画書/Research Proposal format


※申請フォームにアップロードする際はPDFで提出すること。/Submit in PDF format when uploading it to the application form.

加点対象の論文について/Papers for which points will be awarded



Please feel free to list any papers you wish to include as research achievements in your Research Plan, regardless of whether they are eligible for points or not.

We will review the papers that peer-reviewed original papers that they have written as the first author (with an IF, already accepted, in any language) uploaded in the Application Form to determine whether they are eligible for points.

4.申請フォームに必要事項を入力し、研究計画書をアップロードする。 / 4. Enter required information in the application form and upload the research proposal.

申請フォーム/Application Form

※申請フォームが複数あるため、間違えないよう注意すること。審査対象外となる場合があります。/Be careful not to make a mistake as there are different kinds of application forms. May not be excluded from selection process.

下部にサンプルがあります。The sample is available below.

令和5年10月採用枠(現博士(後期)課程在学生枠)申請フォーム/Application form for Quota for October 2023 (for current doctoral students) 

※現在北大修士課程に在籍の学生はこのフォームで申請できません/Current master's course students in Hokkaido University can NOT use this form for application.


    /This form will be opened on June 19 (Mon). ELMS Google Account required) 

令和5年10月採用枠(博士(後期)課程新入生枠)申請フォーム/Application form for Quota for October 2023 (for expected doctoral students) 


    /This form will be opened on June 19 (Mon). Google Account required)

申請フォームサンプル/Application form sample.

※下記はサンプルです、申請時にこれを提出しないでください。/Do not submit the file below for the application, it's a sample file.

(サンプル)令和5年10月採用枠(現博士(後期)課程在学生枠)申請フォーム(sample)Application form for Quota for April 2023 (for current doctoral students)

 (サンプル)令和5年10月採用枠(博士(後期)課程新入生枠)申請フォーム(sample)Application form for Quota for April 2023 (for expected doctoral students)


/ 5. Supervisor will submit a recommendation letter with the form below. (Submission before a student's application is acceptable. The deadline is the same as the student application deadline, June 30, 2023, 5:00p.m.) 

※教育プログラムに参加または参加予定の方は提出の必要はありません。/*If you have participated or plan to participate in the educational program, you do not need to submit a recommendation letter.

推薦書/Recommendation letter【教員向け/For Teaching Staff】

(北海道大学に所属する指導教員/For supervisors in Hokkaido University)

推薦書提出フォーム(北大教員専用)/Recommendation letter submission form for supervisors in Hokkaido University 


   /This form will be opened on June 19 (Mon). The recommendation letter sample is available below.





*In cases you cannot access the Google Form in spite of logging in with your ELMS account: If you use a different Google account on the same Internet browser, the history (cookies) of another account may be retained, which may cause login errors. In such cases, please log out from other Google accounts completely and try deleting the history (cookies) or accessing the form on a different Internet browser.

(北海道大学に所属していない教員/For supervisors outside of Hokkaido University

推薦書提出フォーム(学外教員専用)/Recommendation letter submission  form (For supervisors outside of Hokkaido University)  


   /This form will be opened on June 19 (Mon). The recommendation letter sample is available below.

(Google Account required)

推薦書必要項目は下記サンプルをご確認ください。/ Please refer to the details of recommendation letter in the sample below.)

※下記はサンプルです、申請時にこれを提出しないでください。/Do not use it for the application, it's a sample file)

(SAMPLE)推薦書提出フォーム(北大教員専用)/Recommendation letter submission form for supervisors in Hokkaido University(アクセスにはELMS Googleアカウントが必要)

 (SAMPLE)推薦書提出フォーム(学外教員専用)/Recommendation letter submission form for supervisors outside of Hokkaido University