Note Taking and File Management

Writing your notes by hand is the most effective study technique as the physical act of writing helps commit the  information to memory, removes digital distractions and protects your eyes from blue light emitted by screens. It is also really important to create a writing habit as this is how all your exams and tests are taken and improving your writing speed, hand strength and handwriting are all crucial skills. Keeping all your work organised in folders and notebooks is a great way to organise your physical notes. If you are using hand outs or worksheets make sure you use a folder with sheet pockets to protect your worksheets and make sure they do not disappear off your desk or at the bottom of your bag. 

If you prefer to have digital study notes you can scan your pages and upload them to the note taking systems below, dictate your notes or type up your notes as you revise and summarise. This will need to be done in the library or before/after school due to the new 2023 device policy.


Free note taking application  Get it here:


Otter ai is a super useful app that transcribes voice to text - great adaption for different learning needs and cognitive processing styles and a really clever way to digitise your notes or thoughts!

Get it here:


Orrrr.... if you prefer to listen to notes being read to you and struggle with reading sometimes you can use speechify! Speechify reads text to you - it is a paid app but there is a free trial period.

Get it here:

Natural Reader

Use this chrome extension to read out text aloud! Get it here:  https://chromewebstore.naturalreader 

Microsoft Onenote

Digital note taking app that keeps it in one place 

Google Drive

Make folders for each subject and upload all study materials by topic!