Sleep Diary Exercise

How well are you sleeping? Are you getting enough? Are your pre-sleep habits interfering with your sleep? Here is an activity that will help you better understand your sleep, what affects the amount of sleep you get, and how that affects how you feel during the day. This activity requires you to keep a sleep diary for two weeks. The diary is easy to fill out and will only take about 5 minutes per day to complete.

Week One – take note of your usual sleep patterns. Do not change any of your normal routines. Just document it to give yourself an idea of how your sleep patterns and how you feel in the morning.

Week Two – change ONE thing about your sleep habits. Here are some suggestions:

How to complete the diary

The scale is listed below: 

1 = Very sleepy, irritable and unresponsive. Need to go back to sleep 

2 = Tired and not very enthusiastic. Will need to take it easy today 

3 = Relaxed, not at full alertness. May need a little while to wake up fully 

4 = Able to concentrate, quite happy. Able to handle a normal day 

5 = Active, very happy, full of energy. 

An example entry is provided on the first line of the sleep diary.

 Source: Dr Sarah Biggs, The Ritchie Centre, Monash University, 2015 © Sleep Health Foundation

Sleep Diary_Week One.pdf
Sleep Diary_Week Two.pdf