Making a HSC Study Group

For most of the time study is somewhat of a solo journey. Try something different and mix it up by forming a study group.

Keep it small

Make a plan

Care to share

Make notes and share resources

Put your subject notes and information in a shared online folder, like Google Drive. Ask questions, give examples, or provide sample answers in dot points. Whichever way you use it, keep it active.

Avoid just reading over your notes. Make new notes to reinforce what you have learned. Find that favourite black pen and build up your handwriting muscle memory. The exams are written and you’ll want to get into that writing flow.

Don't waste time

Make sure you start on time, and don't spent too much time recapping things that you all already know. At the end of the study session, go around the group and say one lesson you've learnt, even if it's a new way to studying. If you can't think of anything, you might not have found much value and it's time to reflect on why.

Change locations regularly

Group study gives you the opportunity to switch up your study conditions, whether you're hosting guests, going to your mate's house or studying at the library. This removes familiar distractions. After all, you won't be sitting the HSC at home, so why not change things up?
