Sleep Guidelines and Information

The Sleep Process

Sleep is controlled by two interconnected systems: 

These two systems work together, taking their cues from day (light) and night (dark), and how long you have been awake, to: 

Sleep is an active process. During sleep we are:

So what time should you go to sleep? 

If you have to get up at 7am, then you need to go to bed somewhere between 9:30pm and 10:30pm

The best time to sleep is at the point where the circadian sleep cues intersect with the peak pressure to sleep: 10:00pm – 7:00am

If you are between 11 - 18 years old, it is recommended that you get 8½ – 10 hours of sleep per night

Apps to support healthy sleep patterns:

The Sleep Ninja app was designed and developed at the Black Dog Institute in consultation with young people, their parents/carers, psychologists, counsellors, and sleep experts. It is the first adolescent-focused app which helps young people improve their sleep. It’s free to use and backed by research.

Based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I), Sleep Ninja teaches strategies across six ‘training sessions’ to develop healthy sleep habits and improve sleep quality. Click here to download the app!

Info sheet sleep hygiene (1).pdf