Fun Fact!

The 2019/2020 Killara leadership team was the first with 'Wellbeing Leader' positions.

Headspace is a free app that you can download on your phone to begin your meditation journey.

Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation is for everyone! You do not have to be a hardcore yogi to practice meditation. In fact, just five minutes a day of this mindfulness activity can benefit your wellbeing incredibly!

Some of these benefits include;

  • Reduces stress

  • Controls anxiety and promotes emotional health

  • Lengthens attention span

  • Can help fight addictions

  • Enhances self awareness

  • Can prevent memory loss

  • Improves sleep

  • It's fun!

So...get started on your meditation journey today through headspace, smiling minds, Spotify or youtube.

Spotify Meditations

The popular app Spotify, isn't just for music! It contains thousands of different meditations of different types and for different needs. They range in length from 5 mins - 1 hour.

These can help with:

  • Relaxation before a stressful event

  • Deep relaxation to fall asleep

  • Breathing exercises

  • Anxiety relief

  • Attention and concentration

Click the link to the right of this text to begin your Spotify meditation where you can chose from a range of options.

Smiling Minds - Meditation

'Smiling Minds' is an app that shares meditation videos and programs to help equip young people with the integral skills they need to thrive in life.

They have videos relating to:

  • Stress

  • Sleep

  • Attention and Concentration

  • Sports

  • Relationships

  • Eating

& more!

They also have a special 'Thrive Inside' program shown in the link opposite to help us remain inspired and connected, as well as foster good mental habits during the challenging year of 2020.


Asking these few simple questions everyday can help you:

  • Clear your mind and get through the day

  • Establish what your grateful for and why

  • Remind you of things to be happy and present for

  • Live in the moment and not worry about what is coming or what hasn't happened.

Mindfulness colouring

Mindful Colouring/Art

Taking a break out of your day to do some colouring or art can reduce your stress levels, plus you're left with a beautiful artwork at the end of it.

Here are some links to free colouring pages OR create your own!

There are also heaps of colouring pages in the lion library at school along with pens and pencils in every shade!

For a friend...

If you are worried about a friend in or out of school it can be difficult to know what to do. However it is important not to wait and see if the situation gets better because it couple potentially get worse.

Talking is the first important step and let them tell you as much or as little as they want. Listen. Ask them what might help them or if there is anyone they can talk to.

If you are worried about a friend at school, then be sure to refer them given the proper circumstances to our school councillor or Lucy Darhil who lives in the library.

Resource - Northern Sydney Child and Youth Mental Health Services Directory July 2020.pdf