Study Tips

Study Tips of the Month

Set up your study space

Your study space should be quiet, comfortable, and distraction-free. It should make you feel happy and inspired. Decorate it with your favorite pictures or objects. If you want to listen to music or burn incense, pick a space that lets you do that.

Get Inspired

Productivity Desk Setup

Study Music

Study With Me

Fun Fact!

The longest video on Youtube was a 13,000 hour long 'Lofi hip hop radio' video by Chilled Cow after YouTube accidentally terminated the channel in February 2020. The stream has since restarted but the original video is unavailable.

Instagram Pages to Follow


STUDY TIP - keep a list of all the topics you find difficult and set aside some time each week to really understand them. You can watch videos, read textbooks or go online to understand any given topic.


It’s crazy how much your dreams can impact your mood for the whole day...

Study Tips Used by Prefects:

Study Tip from Dion

Find your best time – Some people work better in the morning. Others work better at night. Work out which time suits you and plan to study then. Don't study much later than your usual bedtime – pushing yourself late at night can make you too tired to study properly.

Study Tip from Suhaas

Code your notes Use color to highlight major sections, key points and diagrams. You can also use different colors to classify and link concepts or information by topic. It makes it easier to find things when you are reviewing your notes.

Study Tip from Elly

Reward Yourself When studying, the best way to get the best of both worlds is to put a snack of your choice on different sections on the page. Once you reach the section you have just earned yourself a snack! This will encourage you to study and learn in a happier, and more fun way.

Fun Fact!

Peer tutoring is available in the library Tuesday and Friday from 3:10pm - 4:10pm

Maths club is also run Thursday lunchtimes in E01 by the Math Faculty