
It is all too common for us to feel hopeless against the global issue of climate change and the mistreatment of the environment. What can we, the little guys, do? Yet we should take comfort in the fact that even the smallest of actions can have positive impacts for this issue, especially if great numbers of people act together, and you can do in style, improving the aesthetic quality of your living spaces, earning self satisfaction in accomplishment and overall, improving your wellbeing. Here, you can find guidance on where to start. In unity, we can make a better, sustainable future for all.

Fun Fact!

The Killara High Community Garden was founded in 2020 by the new Garden Committee.

Easy Desk Plants to Grow

Having a nice and clean work space at home is good for your mental wellbeing whilst studying. Desk plants are an easy way to spruce up your work space! Here are a few easy ones to grow -

Air Plants

They grow in air, no soil. Easy to care for and great indoors, just place in water for 2 hours every 10 days!


These plants don't need much light or water. Just water them once a week and they'll flourish!

Birds Nest Fern

This plant grows curled leaves and doesn't need much sun. Just water them once a week!

Aloe Vera

Once a week, place the pot in a bowl of water to soak for a few minutes. Thrives in any kind of light, including desk light!

Devil's Ivy

Extremely easy to grow. Will survive with or without sun and doesn't need much water!


There are heaps of types of succulents, all great as desk plants. They thrive on little water and are mostly self-sufficient!

Fun Fact!

There are 630 different species of carnivorous plants.

Winter Veggies to Grow

Here are a few veggies you can start to grow over these winter months! You could try growing just one or grow them all in a little veggie patch in your garden!


Place seeds 2cm in the ground and 5cm apart. Cover with dirt and water. Seedlings will need something to climb up like a stick teepee or string.

  • Water: Heavily once a week

  • Sunlight: Full sun

  • Harvest Time: 10-16 weeks


Place 3 seeds in a hole around 2cm deep, cover with dirt and water. Can be grown in a small pot or in the ground.

  • Water: Lightly every 2 days

  • Sunlight: Part sun

  • Harvest Time: 6-8 weeks

Spring Onion

Place seeds around 6mm deep into the soil, cover and water. Once sprouted thin to 5cm apart.

  • Water: Every day

  • Sunlight: Full sun

  • Harvest Time: 8-10 weeks

Fun Fact!

There are over 80,000 species of edible plants