Tangrams 3

reimagining wholes

Watch the video to continue exploring fractions with tangrams


Alright mathematicians, welcome back. I'm back with your next challenge. Last time we were talking about fractions and we were saying we defined the whole as the outside of the entire tangram put together as a square, our original square sheet of paper.

This time my question for you is, now, what are each of the individual pieces of my puzzle worth if one is actually now defined as this square? So if this is one. My parallelogram can no longer be one sixteenth combined with one sixteenth, which is one eighth. It has to be worth something to, something else.

So back to you mathematicians to work this out. If this square is defined as one whole, what are the all the other pieces of my tangram now described as? Over to you. Have fun with your sweaty brains.

Collect resources

You will need:

  • pencils or markers

  • your mathematics workbook

  • your tangram pieces (you can learn how to make a tangram here)


  • If the red square is now defined as 1 whole, what is the value of all the other tangram pieces?

  • Record your thinking in your workbook.