Net exploration


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Place cube at the top of portrait A4 page and use pencil to trace around the base of it.

Roll cube over one side, towards the bottom of the page and trace around it again. You should now have two squares, one on top of the other.

Roll cube over one side, to the right of the page and trace around it with a pencil. You should now have three squares in an L shape.

Roll cube over two sides, to the left of the page and race around it with a pencil. You should now have four squares in an upside down capital T shape.

Roll cube back to the second square you drew and the roll one side down again. Trace around it with a pencil. Yu should now have 5 squares in a cross shape.

Roll the cube one side over, down the page again and trace around it. You will now have 6 squares in a little letter t shape.

Use your scissors to cut around the outside of the shape.

Text reads - This is a net.

Fold the squares into the shape along the insides lines. This will make a hollow cube that can then be wrapped around the origami cube.

Text reads - Ther's more than 1 way to make a net for a cube... in fact there are 11! Over to you to use your cube to make the other 10 (plus this 1).

Collect resources

You will need:

  • a cube-shaped object (this can include an origami cube made from paper)

  • some paper

  • scissors

  • a pencil or marker.


  • Follow along with the video to create one net.

  • Use your cube to explore and make the other 10 nets.

  • You may want to watch Look Kool (ABC iview) for more learning about cubes.