The place value game
OK, everybody, welcome back! We're here today to have a look at the game multiplication toss, which some people also call how close to 100. To play today I'm using a spinner, and I just made it by printing out a decagon and drawing lines across the opposite angles and labeling it from 0 to 9.
And I'm going to use my paper clip that I found in the drawer, and a pen and I can flick it...
Transcript coming soon.
Collect resources
You will need:
Gameboard (you can make one using sticky notes or drawing boxes)
10-sided dice (you could also use 0-9 playing cards or a number spinner)
Marker or pencil.

How to play
This game is for 2 or more players.
Make a gameboard for each player (the image below shows you what the gameboard looks like).
Take turns to throw 2 0-9 sided dice (or spin your spinner).
Use the numbers you roll to create a 2-digit number, for example a 5 and a 2 could be recorded as 25 or 52.
Record your number somewhere along the path from 0 and 100.
Numbers must be placed in order from 0 – 100 so you must think carefully about the best place to put your number!
If numbers cannot be placed, you miss your turn.
Continue taking turns to roll the dice, creating numbers and filling in the pathway on the gameboard.
The winner is the first to fill all of the places!
Another way to play
For a shorter game, players could use the same gameboard with two different coloured markers. The winner is the person who fills in the most numbers, or, who fills in the final place on the pathway.
Explain why you chose to create a particlar number. For example, when you rolled 5 and 2, why did you choose to create 52 instead of 25?
What thinking did you do to decide where to place numbers on the gameboard?
Imagine you have a space available between 34 and 41. What are all of the possible numbers that could be placed on those two spaces? What are you hoping to roll to fill it?
What numbers, if any, could you make where you know exactly where to put them almost every time? Which numbers are they? Where would you out them? And Why?
If you were to replay this game, are there any things you would do differently? Why?