Squares bingo!

From Bay-WIlliams and Kling, 2019

Collect resources

You will need:

  • 4 x 4 grid or draw your own grid with blank paper

  • playing cards (Kings, Jacks and Jokers removed)

  • two different coloured markers.

Watch the video to learn how to play

(This video was developed with Alishia from Sylvania Heights PS, Kristy from Minchinbury PS and Stephanie from Parramatta PS)


Transcript coming soon.

How to play

  • Print a copy of the game board to play or watch the video to learn how to draw your own game board.

  • Place the square products randomly inside the grid, making sure each square product is used at least once and there are no empty spaces.

  • The player who gets four in a row (horizontally, diagonally or vertically) is the winner. If there are two of the same square products on your bingo card you are only allowed to cover up one for each card that you flip.

  • Player 1 flips one card and determines its square product, using your marker, highlight or colour in the square product on the bingo board.

  • Player 2 has their turn, flipping over their card and selecting their square product on the bingo board.

  • If a player selects a card and the square product has already been taken they miss a turn.

  • Remember to think about your strategy, you can block the other player from completing their row.

  • Continue to play until one player has marked off four square products in a row. BINGO!