Investigating area and perimeter

'Playing with tessellations' follow up

This investigation is a follow up to 'Playing with tessellations'.

Watch the video


Transcript coming soon.

Collect resources

You will need:

  • paper

  • scissors

  • sticky tape

  • rope or string

  • pencils or coloured markers

  • ruler or tape measure.


  • Draw and cut out 2 equilateral triangles.

  • Draw a squiggly line from one corner to another. Cut along the squiggly line.

  • Stick the part you cut off on another side using sticky tape to create a new shape.

  • Measure the perimeter of the triangle by guiding the rope around the three edges of the triangle.

    • Make a mark on the rope to show the length of the perimeter.

  • Measure the perimeter of the new curvy ex-triangle by guiding the rope around the edges of the shape. Make a mark on the rope to show the length of its perimeter.

  • Use a ruler or measuring tape to explore the difference.

    • Is the perimeter of your shapes the same or different?

    • If one shape’s perimeter is longer than the other, how much longer is it?

  • Is the area of your shape the same or is it different?

    • Cut your shape back up in its pieces and use direct comparison to see if the area changed.


  • Can you change a shape so that the area and perimeter stay the same?

  • Find some other shapes to explore. What would happen if we created a new shape out of a square, hexagon or a different type of triangle would the perimeter change or would it stay the same?


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