Math mobiles

From Boaler, Munson and Williams, 2019

Collect resources

You will need:

  • something to write on

  • something to write with.

Math mobiles Stage 3.pdf

Watch the video to see what to do

(Videos created with Sarah from Newtown PS.)


Transcript coming soon.

What to do

  • Look at this image below and write what you notice.

  • How could you determine the value of each shape?

  • Solve this math mobile.

Watch the video to see what to do next

What to do

  • Solve the 60 and/ or 80 math mobile on your own, or with your friends, family or classmates.

  • Investigate if there is more than one way to solve the 60 and 80 math mobile?


  • Make your own math mobile and challenge a friend, family member or classmate to solve it!