Semi-skilled is a one year certificate program, similar to Pre-Work, but for students who are 15 years of age and have not been promoted to Level 3.
These students focus on meeting the Level 2 academic requirements in Language Arts, Math and French. If students achieve level 2 academics they can enter the 15+ program.
Students choose one of the approved semiskilled trades from the Ministry of Education’s directory, based on their interests and abilities.
With teacher support, the students find and hold a semi-skilled work placement for a minimum of 375 hours over the school year.
The students receive a certificate if they complete their work placement successfully. Students can complete two semi-skilled certificates as they pursue the academic requirements of Level 2.
* In special circumstances, students can complete the academics of Pre-work while following the work portion of the Semi-skilled program.
Students can "bridge" from Semi-skilled into some of the Vocational Program, such as the Home Care program
Here is the Ministry Website explaining the Semi-skilled to Vocational (DVS) Bridge
Consult the Vocational Program database for locations for training.