Science Concentration

The program is a project based curriculum that explores the same topics as a traditional Secondary1 science class, but through an intensive hands-on approach, Students go into greater depth in each topic as they apply what they are learning to a project that they can see, touch, and make decisions about.

"Who is it for?"

What is the structure of the program?

It is meant for any Secondary1 student who is passionate about science and technology. Typically, these students are hard working, detail-oriented people who have a heightened sense of curiosity about the world around them. They are usually taking things apart (even if they're not broken), testing ideas, and above all asking the question: "Why?"

Students in the program will receive double the amount of science instruction compared to their peers. Whenever possible, students in the program will have two science blocks back to back, allowing for a more in depth exploration of the material and application of their understanding through exciting hands-on projects. This means more labs, more "doing", more learning, and more fun!

What are the program projects?

  1. Wind Generator Design ! Students will learn to use Google Sketch-up software to design anything they can imagine in perfect3 -D! Students will be on the cutting edge of the new clean energy economy as they design and build their own, working wind generator.

2. Space Race ! Students participate in the launching, tracking, and recovery of a high Altitude atmospheric probe. The probe will be equipped with a high definition camera and other data collecting equipment that the students will analyze. This project will include a day in the field, preparing and launching the balloon, tracking its G.P.S. Signal and recovering it once it has re-entered our atmosphere.

3. In-House Biology ! We will bring nature into the classroom and study how organisms adapt to their environment. Coy fish, ant farms, avocado plants, and degus will all be cared for and studied.

4. Crisis in Japan ! A design competition for the best “firefighting robot"

*Student needs to show an interest in sciences. Approximately 500$ Scholarships available.


This project-based curriculum explores the same topics as a traditional science class, but through an intensive hands-on approach. Students go into greater depth in each topic as they apply what they are learning to a project that they can see, touch, and make decisions about.

This program is looking for students who are passionate about science and technology, which are hard working, detailed-oriented people and who have a heightened sense of curiosity about the world around them.

Secondary 1 and 2 students registered in the program will work together in an integrated class environment. The students will receive double the amount of science instruction, allowing for a more in depth exploration of the material and application of their understanding through exciting hands-on projects. This means more labs, more “doing”, more learning, and more fun!!