Specialized Resources


Having in mind the well-being and the academic success of ALL Anglophone students, notwithstanding their individual challenges, the English- speaking education community in partnership with the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (MEQ) put in place a variety of specialized resources.


Centres of Excellence are provincial resources offering support and expertise to the English-speaking Education community for the organization of programs and adapted teaching to assist students with particular learning needs in an inclusive setting. There are six centres of excellence (CoE).

Centre of Excellence for Autism

CoE ASD assists students and families and supports educational personnel in developing their capacity to meet a wide range of needs in the classroom. They offer direct intervention, coaching, professional development, and the sharing of materials.

Centre of Excellence for Behaviour Management

The CoEBM is committed to helping all the English School Boards of Quebec as well as the education professionals to find effective and developmentally friendly interventions for working with students who experience significant behavioural challenges in the school setting.

Centre of Excellence for Mental Health

The mandate of the CEMH is to build the capacity of school staff within the Quebec English school boards, in mental health promotion, prevention, intervention and research in the field of school based mental health. Professional development is provided to school board staff through trainings, workshops, consultations, online resources and video conferences on topics oriented towards mental health and well-being.

Centre of Excellence Physically, Intellectually & Multi-Challenged

The Centre of Excellence PIM supports all English School Boards in Quebec by sharing best practice research to school and school board personnel in the education of students with physical and intellectual disabilities. Our philosophy is that all individuals, regardless of their disabilities, have potential for growth and self-fulfillment when provided with opportunities to increase self-esteem, gain independence, and engage in positive social relationships at home, school and within the community.

Centre of Excellence Speech and Language Development

The CoE SLD is a provincial service designed to offer support and expertise in the areas of Communication, Speech, Language, Literacy, and Social Communication skills, herein providing evidence-based practices to school-teams in order to enable students who present with speech and language difficulties the opportunity to reach their potential

Inclusive Schools Network (ISN)

ISN helps Quebec’s English School Boards to develop effective service frameworks for today’s inclusive schools, offering information, professional development, and complementary classroom resources.