Services to Students

All of our schools offer a variety of support and specialized services for our students with special needs. To find out what is available at your local school, feel free to contact the school administration.

*To find your local school, consult the "Find my school" page.


Our school teams are composed of various partners working together for student success:

  • Administration

  • Teachers

  • Resource teachers

  • Handicapped student attendants (HSA)

  • Special education technicians (SET)

  • Social aid technicians (SAT)

  • Social work technicians (SWT)

  • Pedagogical consultants

  • Professionals

  • Supervisors

  • Daycare Educators

  • School nurses


  • Nurturing Support Centres

Some students require more support in managing their behaviour than what the classroom teacher alone can provide. A Nurturing Support Centre (NSC) is not a segregated class but rather an in-school resource that provides an environment and an intervention plan to meet student needs so they can continue to attend regular classes. It is designed to provide emotional, behavioural, and academic support to help students succeed. Its use is guided and supervised by a school support team. Shortened class time, options for dealing with challenging situations, organizational support and adult guidance are provided to those students who have a hard time behaving appropriately in class and also during unstructured and transition time. NSCs are being used successfully in both Elementary and Secondary Schools.

For more information, visit these pages: Elementary | Secondary

  • Emotions Room

The intent is that the students will come to see this room as a safe place in which to express their emotions and in which to express them in their pure form, however “ugly”, including foul frustration, which is usually expressed by the impulse to attack verbally or physically. The items in the room are meant to provide the child with a safe way to do so. Click here for more information.

  • Motor Room

  • Active Hallways

  • In-class self-regulation areas

  • Resource Room

Centres offered in our schools are in various stages of implementation. As such, they are not all used in the same way.

For more information on Nurturing Support Centres, visit this Centre of Excellence for Behaviour Management webpage.

For more information on the Emotions Room, visit this Centre of Excellence for Behaviour Management webpage.


  • Response to Intervention (RTI) Model

  • Early Intervention through Joyful Intervention through Purposeful Play (JIPP)


  • Psychologists

  • Speech-language pathologists

  • Psychoeducators

  • Occupational therapists

  • Social service officer

  • Re-education counsellors

  • Re-adaptation officers

  • Guidance counsellors

  • Spiritual care counsellors

  • Pedagogical consultants


Communication between home and school is crucial to establish a positive working relationship between parents and the school team. If the student or parent has a concern, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Communicate with the person concerned (teacher, professionals, administrative personnel, etc.).

  2. If a solution cannot be reached, contact the school administration.

  3. If the student or parent is still dissatisfied, it is possible to contact the Secretary General's office to lodge a complaint.

  4. After discussion, the student or parent will be directed to the appropriate person.

  5. If the results of the steps taken with the Secretary General's office do not satisfy the student or parent, it is possible to contact the Student Ombudsman.

For more information, including contact information, consult the ETSB Complaint Process page.