Events for Employees



Supporting Challenging Behaviours in Autistic Children, April 20th 2023 - FREE PD

Topic: Supporting Challenging Behaviours in Autistic Children

Date: Took place on Thursday, April 20th, 2023

Time: 3:30-5:00 pm. 

Presenters: Catherine Korah from CEBM as well as Andrew Bennett and Kim Segal from CoE ASD. 

Audience: For all school staff - Suitable for elementary and early secondary 

Cost: FREE

Presented to you by CEBM 

You can watch the recording by clicking HERE

Description: Upon popular request, the Centres of Excellence for ASD and for Behaviour Management have joined forces to provide participants with the opportunity to develop a comprehensive approach to behavioural support for students with ASD. Behaviour is a form of communication that can present in challenging ways and may disrupt learning in a classroom setting. "What to do when" tends to be the universal concern for teachers and other school staff when dealing with these behaviours. This presentation will utilize trauma/neuroscience-informed practices to shed light on how to best support students with ASD in the classroom and within the school community.

Slides: Supporting Challenging Behaviour in Autistic Students - 4 slides per page

Slides 9-10 Zoomed In

DR GORDON NEUFELD - Helping Students Climb the Steps to Emotional Maturity, May 16th 2023 - FREE PD

Topic: Helping Students Climb the Steps to Emotional Maturity

Date: Tuesday, May 16th 2023

Time: 3:30-5:00pm

Format: Online through Zoom platform - this event is free

CEBM is pleased to announce that they will be receiving Dr. Gordon Neufeld as a special guest speaker.

Description: Emotion has finally come into focus in our schools and rightfully so. It speaks to the primacy of the heart in all things human, including learning, adaptation, well-being and growing up. Much confusion still reigns however as to the purpose and nature of emotion and to how one gets from the unbridled expression of the immature to the tempered feelings of the mature that can be reflected upon and shared with others.  In our ignorance of how emotional maturity develops, we have unwittingly taken direct aim at emotional management with its implicit messages of calm down and be nice. This, despite the convergence of opinion in therapy circles that the resulting emotional repression can lead to life-long harmful effects on emotional health and well-being. Dr. Neufeld has synthesized the science of emotion material to reveal five essential steps that need to be taken on the path to emotional health and maturity. The bottom line is that emotional development is absolutely spontaneous if conditions are conducive. Growth is not a skill; no learning is required. What is needed is insightful teachers who can help remove the impediments to emotional maturation and lend a helping hand to their students as they climb the steps towards emotional maturity.



Helping Students Climb the Steps to Emotional Maturity | CEBM-English

Join us ONLINE Tuesday, May 16th, 2023 - 3:30-5:00 pm. Presenter: Dr Gordon Neufeld, Ph.D. Hosted by Catherine Korah, CEBM. This free event is available to school and board staff of EN School Boards across Quebec ONLY.