Students who are identified as "at-risk" present certain vulnerability factors that may affect their learning or behaviour. They are therefore at risk of falling behind without the proper intervention.
Students with learning difficulties
They are students for whom the implemented remedial measures (over a significant period of time) have not helped them progress sufficiently to meet the minimum requirements of the Quebec Education Program for the successful completion of a cycle in the language of instruction or in mathematics.
Source: Ministère de l'Éducation
Students with behavioural difficulties
Students with behavioural difficulties are those for whom a psychosocial evaluation reveals an important deficit in the ability to adapt, manifested by significant difficulties in interacting with one or more elements of the school, social or family environment. These difficulties could include:
Overreactions to environmental stimuli, such as: unjustified actions or words involving aggression, intimidation, and destruction.
Underreactions to environmental stimuli, such as: excessive fear of people or new situations, abnormal passivity, dependency and reclusiveness.
These difficulties are considered significant when they negatively affect the student's development or that of those around him/her.
Source: QPAT Referential: Special Needs Guide / Ministère de l'Éducation
Note: The QPAT reference guide categorizes students with behavioural difficulties under "Social Maladjustment", while the Ministry of Education includes it under "at-risk students".
Attention deficit disorder (ADD), with or without hyperactivity
ADD/ADHD are neurological conditions that present persistant patterns of inattention or hyeractivity-impulsivity.
Examples of behaviour which may resent itself:
easily distracted
difficulty sticking to a task/ staying focused
difficulty with planning
make inappropriate remarks
have difficulties with transitions
react quickly to frustrations
Students with ADHD can have difficulties with social skills
Source: QPAT Referential: Special Needs Guide
Note: The QPAT reference guide categorizes ADD/ADHD under "Social Maladjustment", while the Ministry of Education includes it under "at-risk students".