Week 2: April 13-17

Sample Daily Schedule

Create a schedule for the week, and work through the content below at your own pace. You can do a little from each area each day, o focus only on one or two areas per day.

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:

English Language Arts

Learning Goal:

  • I can identify figurative language/literary devices within poetry.
  • I can analyze figurative language/literary devices to find meaning.
  • I can analyze theme(s) within a given text.
  • I can write in a given format that follows rules to create a poetry piece: Haiku.
  • I can identify the sentence structures of a simple sentence: subject, verb, capitalization: pronoun.

Estimated Time for The Week: 120 - 150 minutes or 2 - 2.5 hours

Learn & Practice:

  1. Be curious; conduct a 10-minute search online and learn something new about Emily Dickinson.
    • Click HERE for additional resources.
  2. Read the short poem, “Hope is the thing with feathers - (254)”
    • Use this AUDIO LINK to listen while you follow along AND if you need the Spanish Version click HERE)
  3. Analyze figurative language/literary device(s) from the poem “”Hope” is the thing with feathers - (254)”
  4. Brainstorm the theme of the poem, ““Hope” is the thing with feathers - (254)”
  5. Write your own Haiku poem.
    • Learn about what a Haiku poem is HERE.
  6. Expand your understanding of Sentence Structure.
    • Grammar Review: Verbs, Proper Nouns, and Commas.
    • Grammar Review HERE

PreAP Challenge:

Each week (On this PDF), read the selection of pages given and complete a dialectical journal (use the Example and directions given on the PDF to help)


Edmond has many math course offerings. CLICK HERE to find your course.


Learning Goal(s):

  1. Determine the impact humans have on the earth.
  2. Discover evidence for how the uneven distribution of Earth’s mineral, energy and groundwater resources are the result of geoscience processes.

Estimated Time for the Week: 1.5 hours

Learn & Practice:

Social Studies

Learning Goal:

I can evaluate the impact of the publication Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, on anti-slavery sentiments.

Estimated Time for The Week:

2 hours, 120 minutes total

Learn & Practice:

For the Google Slides to click-through the below directions, click here!

Examine the work of Harriet Beecher Stowe and evaluate its impact.

  1. Preview the following questions before watching the video. Watch this Harriet Beecher Stowe video on Discovery Ed.
  2. After watching the video, answer the questions on a sheet of notebook paper or blank google document. Write a letter to Mrs. Stowe entitled a letter from a future historian. Explain to her the impact her book had on the abolition movement in our country.

Trace the events that led to violence after the Kansas Nebraska Act.

  1. Listen to the following audio clip several times and then complete the three frame cartoon.
  2. Read this text about Bleeding Kansas.

John Brown

  1. Watch this video on John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry. As you watch the video try to write down no less than five important details. Then using at least two facts, explain your opinion on John Brown’s decision to raid Harpers Ferry. Read here for more information.

Evaluate the following editorial by William Lloyd Garrison.

  1. Read this editorial and highlight in one color the positive things that Garrison had to say about John Brown and in another color the negative things he had to say. Then write a paragraph explaining if you agree with Garrison. Use at least two references from the editorial to support your opinion.

Review information for the week. After reading chapter 14 sections 2&3, use the following Quizizz for practice.


*Note: Click here for the Gateway to Tech course (different from the STEM learning below).

Learning Goal: Explore the career of a Green Building Architect

I can explain what a green building architect does.

Estimated Time for The Week:

2 hours (120 minutes) total


    • Device with Internet access
    • Paper (optional)
    • Pencil/Pen (optional)

Learn & Practice:

    1. Make sure your logged into Discovery Education with your school account.
    2. Click here for your DE Studio Board on the career of a Green Building Architect that will guide you through the below directions.
    3. The Studio Board will guide you as you learn about the requirements to become a Green Building Architect and their salary.
    4. You will then take on the role of a Green Building Architect! You will create a proposal to “green” your school that can be presented to the administration or school board.
    5. First, perform a sustainability audit of your school to understand what sustainable practices are already in place. After your audit, research and plan ways to make your school more sustainable.
    6. Create a blueprint/diagram of your ideas.
    7. Explore:
    8. Design your sustainable retrofits to your school. Include a list of changes/improvements. Include blueprint/diagrams.
    9. Get the word out! Share your ideas through either a 60-second video or campaign flyers (think physical and social media).
    10. Extend Your Learning:
      • Investigate other types of buildings in your community and steps they can take to be more eco-friendly.
      • Students select a different type of building (like this green hospital featured in Discovery Education Streaming Plus: http://bit.ly/GreenHospitalDE) to design a green town.
      • Develop a “Green Team” at your school and start/improve your recycling program with guidance from Novelis – Life of a Can: http://lifeofacan.com
      • Start a fundraising campaign and talk to the local community about funding your plan to retrofit your school with sustainable features.

World Languages

CLICK HERE to find your course.

Electives & Programs


Computer Science 6-8

FACS Basics (8th)

Gateway to Tech



P.E. & Health

8 Ways To Keep Learning When School Is On A Break
eResources For Learning When School Is On A Break