World Language

Grades 8-12

Week 2: April 13-17

Sample Daily Schedule

Expand Your Course For Great Things To Learn This Week

Use the arrows to expand/collapse each section:


Spanish 1

Learning Goal: I can describe my daily routines and everyday activities.

Estimated Time for The Week: 120 minutes for the week

Reading and Critical Thinking

  1. Read this story and the questions on the following slide. You will be prompted to write answers later.
  2. To help you understand better the reading above, watch the video and take notes.
    1. Reflexive Verbs Discovery Education
    2. You can practice reflexive verbs here (optional)

Suggestion: Look at your notes and write two complete sentences in English explaining what a reflexive verb is.


Learn the vocabulary (link) you will need to talk about your daily routine, then practice and test your memory by taking the test and playing the vocabulary games for at least five minutes, 2-5 times this week. As you learn the vocabulary, make a T-chart on your learning log.

Extension and Application

Directions to complete the work in this file, are explained under each point below. Complete it on paper or a doc.

  1. Read the text again and make a list of the reflexive verbs you find as they are written in the story, slide 2
  2. Rewrite the verbs you listed from point one and rewrite them in third singular person. Follow the example on slide 3.
  3. Label/match the pictures. Each picture has two labels; one, in first singular person and the second one, in third singular person, slide 4
  4. Write the sentences in English listed on slide 5
  5. Read the text on slide 2 again and answer the questions in Spanish using complete sentences on slide 6
  6. Answer the questions on slide 7 about yourself in Spanish using complete sentences.
  7. Using the answers to the questions on slide 7, write a paragraph describing your daily routines. Add additional sentences to make it more complete. Use the reading text in the slides as a model. Be sure to include time and use as many of the reflexive verbs you have learned. You can check/compare your sentences to the ones on the reading text.

Extra Practice

  • Pick a person at your house other than yourself and write at least 7 to 10 sentences describing their daily routine. Be sure to include time and use as many of the reflexive verbs you have learned.
  • Email a classmate and tell them about your daily schedule. Be sure to ask them questions about their schedule as well!
  • Get general Spanish extra practice here.
  • Silly Sr. Jordan Reflexive Song


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.).

Answer Key

Spanish 2

Learning Goal: I can describe what life was like in the past.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Listening and Critical Thinking (10 minutes)

  • Listen to this conversation between Profesora Cox and Señora Eaton.
  • Write down key words you hear.
  • In Spanish, write down what you think the main idea is.
  • Check your key words and main idea here.

Reading and Critical Thinking (25 mins)

Vocabulary (20 minutes)

  • Build your vocabulary on flashcards by practicing this Quizlet set. You should practice for 5 minutes 2-3 times this week. You may also practice the different areas (learn, write, spell, match, test, gravity) to build your vocabulary.

At the end of your week, challenge yourself by taking this test.

Check Your Understanding (15 minutes)

  • Read through this lesson to help you understand the difference between the preterite vs. imperfect in Spanish.
  • (Optional) Read through this lesson if you need further clarification.
  • Practice this quizizz to enhance grammar skills.
  • Take this test to practice grammar.

Extension and Application (15 minutes)

  • Pick one of these three hispanic artists and based on these facts and your own research, create a small description (4 complete sentences) in Spanish (on a google slide or google doc.) about their lives and share it with your teacher during a virtual session or on this flipgrid!

Reflect (5 minutes)

  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Spanish 3

Learning Goal: I can talk about how situations and people make me feel.

Estimated Time for The Week: Approximately 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

Watch this video for an introduction to this week’s learning goals!

Reading and Critical Thinking (~20 minutes)

  • Read Mrs. Wishon’s response to the question ¿Por qué estás contenta? on slide 1, then answer the questions about her response on slides 2 and 4.

Vocabulary (~15 minutes)

  • Learn this week's vocab with this quizlet . Study the words in flashcard or learn mode for 5 minutes, then spend another five minutes practicing the words with test, gravity, or matching. (Optional: Review the words for 5 minutes 2-3 times this week)
  • OPTIONAL: For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, try Drops language app to build your vocabulary skills.

Check Your Understanding (~30 minutes)

  • Read through these slides and do the practice problems on slide 5.
  • Practice what you learned by doing this Kahoot. If you miss a question, pause and figure out why you missed it before moving on. If you can’t figure it out write down the question to later ask your teacher.

Listening and Critical Thinking (~10 minutes)

  • Listen to this audioclip.
  • Answer these questions with Cierto o Falso. Correct the False statements to make them true.

Extension and Application (~15 minutes)

  • Choose one of the following:
    • Write a note in Spanish with an English translation to someone saying at least five things you are thankful for or happy that they do. Give them the note if you live with them, or send them a picture of it! (If you prefer, make a video of you saying what you are thankful for about them instead of writing!)
    • Start a gratitude journal in Spanish. Begin with at least 10 things you are thankful for or happy about, 5 of them being about someone/something else. We would love to hear them! You may record them in this flipgrid. If you want, add at least one thing to the journal (in Spanish or English) for the rest of the semester! If needed, model yours after this example from earlier in our lesson.

Culture and/or Extended Writing (~25 minutes)

  • Read through the mini biography of Natalia Lafourcade on these slides.
  • Listen to the song on slide 2 and copy down the lyrics from slide 3 in your notebook/doc
  • Complete the activities on slides 4, 5 and 7 in your notebook/doc.
  • Share the song with a friend and talk about whether you liked the song or not!
  • Bonus Culture Lesson: Learn the steps to Bachata from the video on the last slide!

Reflect (~5 minutes)

  • Continue your digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc) and write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.
  • Answer these 3 questions about how things have been going so far!

Spanish 4

Learning Goal: I can express what I would like to do in situations that are probable or possible. In my own and other cultures I can make comparisons between products and practices to help me understand perspectives.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 20 minutes for the week

Essential question: Given that what we celebrate reflects our personal and cultural identity: What is really important about celebrating milestones?

Learn & Practice:

This lesson is designed to help you express possibilities, in this case, how you would like your graduation celebration to take place this year.

  1. Listening and Critical Thinking
    1. Watch this short video of the Teacher Introducing this Week’s Lesson, even if you are not a senior in high school, think of what you would do. In this section, you will listen and think, not write.
  2. Reflect
    1. In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learn this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.
  3. Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking
    1. Read the questions (link below) about your plans to celebrate your graduation. When prompted to brainstorm or answer, write your thoughts on your learning log.
    2. Click and Re-read: In slides #1-4
    3. Focus on target structures: In slides 5-8, learn and reflect on grammar features used (Conditional)
  4. Listening and Critical Thinking
    1. View this interview to learn different cultural perspectives of a mother about graduation
    2. Check Your Understanding
      1. ¿ En qué países ha vivido la Profe Valdés?
      2. ¿Cómo ha cambiado la forma de celebrar la graduación en México?
      3. ¿Qué le parece importante como madre?
      4. ¿Qué sugirió la Profe Valdés a la clase del 2020?
    3. View this testimonial to learn the perspective of a young person from Uruguay
    4. Check your Understanding
      1. ¿Qué diferencias hay en las celebraciones que ella mencionó y las de los Estados Unidos?
      2. ¿Por qué es más común en ese país celebrar la graduación de la universidad?
      3. ¿Qué diferencias hay entre la graduación de secundaria (high school) y la universidad?
      4. ¿Qué les sugirió Irina a la clase de 2020?
  5. Reading and Critical Thinking
    1. Read these slides and answer the questions (key in the last slide)
  6. Extension and Application

Now, let’s examine theoretical situations….if this were your case….what would you do in that situation? Click to Listen and view

  1. Read the text in those slides, answer these questions in writing:
    1. Si todavía estamos en cuarentena en mayo ¿Qué harías tú para celebrar tu graduación?
    2. Si todavía estamos en cuarentena en mayo, ¿esperarías hasta después de la cuarentena o celebrarías el día de tu graduación?
    3. ¿Cómo enviarías anuncios de tu graduación? ¿Los enviarías por correo electrónico o por redes sociales?
    4. What did you notice about the words in italics?
    5. What did you notice about the underlined words?
  2. Reflect

In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have and by recording your answer in this flipgrid.

  1. Extension and Application

Practice by doing: Click here to practice online (if necessary, click on the redirect link) This will give you feedback on whether you are correct.


Chinese 1

Learning Goal: I can express my needs. I can describe my daily schedule. I can tell time and the day of the week.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 40 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Vocabulary Review

  • Type the calendar vocabulary you learned last week. If needed, watch the Vocabulary List on page 300 again.

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the dialogue on p. 306.
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Question 1 - 林书芳今天上什么课?
    • Question 2 - 董军今天上什么课?
    • Question 3 - 董军觉得化学课很有意思吗?
    • Question 4 - 董军觉得化学课很难吗?
    • Question 5 - 林书芳也觉得化学课很难吗?
    • Question 6 - 董军得去哪儿?
    • Question 7 - 谁有考试?
    • Question 8 - 他有几个考试?
  • Read the school schedule of a student in 10th grade in China on page 314. Answer the questions that follow.

Check Your Understanding

Listening and Critical Thinking

write down the day that comes before and after the one you hear.

  • Listen to the dialogue “ 课表“ on page 306.

Answer the questions on page 307.

  • In Chinese, write a dialogue between you and your classmate to talk about your class schedule.

Extension and Application

  • Write a short essay about what classes you have this semester. Talk about the ones you have and how you feel about other classes. Follow the model. 我今天学了。。我喜欢。。我觉得。。。很有意思。
  • Speak and record the essay. Share it with your classmates and teacher.

Culture and Extended Writing

  • Read the culture window “A Day In School” and answer the questions that follow the passage.
  • Write a short essay to express your opinions on the following questions.
  1. Do you think assigning students cleaning jobs would work in American schools?
  2. Would you like to be involved with decorating your classrooms?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages in staying in the same classroom all day long?


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Chinese 2

Learning Goal: I can ask and say what I did in the past. I can describe my health condition. I can ask about and say how long events took.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1hour, 40 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:


  • Learn the vocabulary from Zhen Bang book II - Unit 1 Lesson A page 56 to page 59, then practice and test your memory by taking the quiz .
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use Yellow Bridge to build your vocabulary skills and to write Chinese characters in correct stroke order. (If necessary, click on the redirect link)

Check Your Understanding

  • Read the Language Patterns from page 60 - page 63 to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning.
  • Write sentences based on the patterns shown above.
  • Practice grammar by filling in the blanks
    • 我的姐姐买 ______ 好看的书。
    • 爷爷 _____________ 要去海边。
    • 我在家看电影看了 _____________。
    • 你每天做功课做 ______________ ?
    • 我们 ________班同学都喜欢听音乐。
    • ________个人都在家学中文。
    • 你明天 _____ 去买吃的东西吗?
    • 这件衣服 _________________ 难看!
  • Connect to a classmate over the phone. Take turns to ask and answer the following questions:
  1. 中文二的学生谁的头发最长?
  2. 你喜欢爬山吗?我们这儿有高山吗?
  3. 你运动以后哪里会酸痛?
  4. 你平常几点去上学?
  5. 你会练习说中文吗?
  6. 你的同学谁总是上课说话?
  7. 你每天做多久的功课?
  8. 你每天几点开始写功课?

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the article on page 71.
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer the following questions:
    • Question 1 - 她爸妈每天早上做什么运动?你爸妈呢?
    • Question 2 - 谁问她要不要一起去锻炼?
    • Question 3 - 他星期几去爬山?早上还是下午?
    • Question 4 - 那天天气怎么样?几度?
    • Question 5 - 回家以后她觉得怎么样?
    • Question 6 - 星期天的时候,她怎么了?
    • Question 7 - 她说的“今天”应该是星期几?
    • Question 8 - 她为什么不去健身房运动?
    • Question 9 - 你周末会去锻炼吗?为什么?

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the body parts vocabulary on page 56.
  • Listen to 全身酸痛 on page 63.
  • Write down the key words you hear.
  • In Chinese, write down what you think the main idea is for this conversation.

Extension and Application

  • Draw a person on a piece of paper and then label the body parts you learned from this lesson.
  • Sing “head, shoulder, knees and toes” in Chinese. (Google search the Chinese words”头肩膀膝盖歌” for this song.)


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Chinese 3

Learning Goal: I can provide directions to my house and prepare meals and activities for my friends.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 40 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:


  • Write the directions and the points of the compass vocabulary you learned last week. If needed, watch the Vocabulary List on page 232, page 233 and page 235 again.

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the dialogue on p. 240.
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Question 1 - 李云英邀请她的朋友哪天去她家玩?
    • Question 2 - 谁要去李云英家玩?
    • Question 3 - 李云英的朋友敢吃她做的饭吗?你怎么知道?
    • Question 4 - 谁要做饭给他们吃?
    • Question 5 - 李云英和她的朋友要来她家做什么呢?
    • Question 6 - 从学校到李云英家怎么走?
    • Question 7 - 从学校到李云英家走路大概要多久?
  • Read the passage of 到朋友家玩 on page 250. Answer the questions that follow.

Check Your Understanding

  • Answer the personal questions on p. 237 # 3.
  • Look at the pictures and words provided on p. 245, # 9 to make sentences using the pattern “先。。再。。 “
  • Write the distance between the two places or events using the verb “离” based on the pictures on page 246, # 10. Follow the model - 我家离小华家二十公里。

Listening and Critical Thinking

Draw the directions you hear on paper.

  • Listen to 街景 on page 237, # 2.

Match what you hear with the corresponding pictures.

  • Listen to a conversation 往哪里 on page 247, # 12 between two students. Write down the store words you hear in the conversation.

Culture and Extended Writing

  • Read the information about 胡同 and 四合院 on page 242 and 243, then decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.
  1. 四合院 have been around for about 2,000 years.
  2. 四合院 means a courtyard surrounded by four rooms.
  3. The “four” in 四合院 represents north, south, east and west.
  4. The north room is the main house in a 四合院.
  5. The south room is often reserved for guests.
  6. The Palace Museum is a 四合院.
  7. In Houhai, one can ride a taxi along a 胡同.
  • Draw floor plans for a 四合院 for you and your relatives, then assign each person to live in different rooms. Label their names clearly on the floor plan.

Extension and Application

  • Create a conversation with one classmate. Taking turns to invite one another to your home. Use the guide below to help steer your conversation.

- Ask your classmate when he / she is free.

- Ask your classmate if he / she wants to go to your home.

- Tell your classmate how he / she can get to your home and how long it would

take him / her to reach it.

- Suggest the activities you can do together once you are there.

- Ask your classmate if he / she wants to have lunch or dinner together.

- Ask your classmate what time is good for him / her and decide on the time you

would like to meet.

  • Speak and record the conversation. Share it with your teacher.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.


French 1

Learning Goal: I can discuss where things are located and how to get there.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Teacher Video Introducing The Week’s Content Link

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the story, and then scroll down to complete exercise 3. Link
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer these questions:
    • Where does the story take place?
    • Where are the snakes?
    • What vocabulary stood out?
    • How could you use the vocabulary in everyday life?
    • Want to hear the story read aloud? Link

Check Your Understanding

  • Watch this short instructional video to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning from above.
  • Practice the vocabulary by matching the picture. Link (If necessary, click on the redirect link)
  • Practice the vocabulary by filling in the blanks. Link
  • Watch this short instructional video, starting at 1:56 to review and learn vocabulary for modes of transportation. Link
  • Practice the vocabulary for transportation. Link
  • Write sentences using the new vocabulary. Link
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, practice grammar and conjugation here.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the sentences. Link
  • Draw the image described in the sentence you hear.
  • Check your answers here.

Extension and Application

  • Create or find a map of your home town.
  • Write how you would get to a place in town, in French.
    • Include directions and modes of transportation.


  • Review the vocabulary for prepositions here

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Learn about the metro and how it affects French culture. Link


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week using the stoplight template. Link
  • You can share this with your teacher during their office hours.

French 2

  • Learning Goal: I can understand, read, write, and listen to information about events in the future.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read this text.
  • Using the text in the previous item, try to answer the questions on slides number 9 and 10 in your notebook.

Check Your Understanding

  • Watch this short instructional Video (personal device required to view) to build your comprehension of the reading and new learning from above.
  • Write 3 predictions you think the fortune-teller (la voyante) will say about you in your notebook (in French).
  • Practice by doing This quizlet. (If necessary, click on the redirect link)
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, practice grammar and conjugation at the quizlet shown above, and take the test at the end of the week.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to These dialogues.
  • Fill in the blanks with the future tense of the verb that you hear. Note that the infinitive form of the verb is given to you in parentheses.
  • Verify your answers by clicking on “vérifiez mes réponses” at the bottom.
  • Keep practicing these dialogues until you get at least 80% proficiency.

Extension and Application

  • Create a Word cloud, add at least ten French two-word phrases (subject-verb) in the future tense with the “Je” ending, such as “Je partirai”. These can be 10 things you will do during or after the pandemic!
  • Choose the color, size, angle and font of each word - have fun!
  • Once you have made your choices click the red Visualize button and your word cloud will be generated.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Read this excerpt from the poem “Demain dès l’aube” of Victor Hugo. You might remember that he wrote Les Misérables and Notre Dame de Paris. He was one of France’s most famous and beloved authors and poets.
  • Follow the directions on the slides.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have. If you have anything you’re confused about, make notes so you can ask your teacher.

Answers to Culture Above:

Verbs in the future: partirai, irai, irai, marcherai, sera, regarderai, arriverai, mettrai

French 3

Learning Goal: I can look at a Paris metro map and take the metro to important places in Paris. I can understand the history and progression of the metro system in Paris based on selected readings.

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

Reading and Critical Thinking


  • Learn the vocab by practicing and testing your memory by using the Quizlet here.
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use this quizlet to practice vocabulary skills.
  • At the end of the week, take the Quizlet test.

Check Your Understanding

  • Practice grammar and conjugation of the imperative verb forms on page 192 of the online textbook. Do exercise 13 (answers shown below)
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, practice the conjugations by writing out the pertinent verbs in your notebook at least 10 times each.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to the famous French singer Serge Gainsbourg’s song, Le Poinçonneur (the ticket taker) from the days in the metro when your ticket was punched.
  • Write down words you hear in your notebook…. The word “trou” is heard a lot, what do you think it means? Answer below.
  • In French, write down what you think the main idea is in your notebook.


  • In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Definition of “trou”: hole.

Text p. 192, Exercise 13 answers:

  1. Fais attention aux ours!

2. Ne dérangez pas les guêpes!

3. Ne sortons pas de la voiture dans le parc!

4. N’attrape pas de papillons!

5. Reposez-vous!

6. Prenons des photos!

7. Aie un peu de patience!

8. Soyons prudents!

9. Ne faites pas de bruit!


German 1

Learning Goal: I can talk about what foods and drinks I like and dislike.

Estimated Time for the Week: 100 minutes

Learn and practice


  • Think about the food vocabulary you learned about last week. If needed, watch the video again.
  • Go to to practice food and drink vocabulary (if necessary, click on "redirect links")

Check Your Understanding:

  • Listen to the questions and responses and read along as you are listening. Then, answer these questions based on your own likes and dislikes. Judge how you did; you can listen to these as many times as you like.

Reading and Critical Thinking:

  • Read the information about when to use nicht and kein(e). Then practice by filling in the blanks of which word you think best fits.
  • Read the statements and fill in the blank with the correct category of food.
  • Read the 3 questions and answer based on the provided pictures.

Listening and Critical Thinking:

  • Listen to the questions and answers about Nico’s likes and dislikes. Read the text as you listen. Answer the questions yourself and compare yourself with the audio answers you hear. This is just for practice and you can play it over as many times as you like to work on pronunciation.
  • Watch the new video about Nico going to stay with Inge.
  • Answer the comprehension question about the video.
  • Now watch video segments and answer the questions about what foods and drinks are being discussed.

Extension and Application:

  • Think about the drinks that Inge offered Nico. At home, try to create your own ¨Schorle¨. This is a drink that is half sparkling water and half juice. Take a picture of it and email it to your German teacher if you want!
  • Find another typical German food or drink recipe online that you could make for your family while at home!

Culture and/or Extended Writing:

  • Nico is coming to stay with your family for a few days. What kind of foods and drinks do you have to offer him? Write a dialogue in German between you and Nico about what types of foods and drinks are at your house. Does he like what you have to offer?

German 2

Estimated Time for The Week: 1 hour 30 minutes

Learning Goals:

  • I can get information about train tickets.
  • I can book a train ticket.
  • I can organize a train trip.

Learn & Practice:

Video Introducing The Lesson’s Content

  • Watch the episode from Nico’s Weg Series “Bahnreisen” (“Traveling by train”). In this episode Inge is sitting in the Marek staring sadly into space. She would also like to take the train somewhere and experience something ... when Max realizes what’s wrong with Inge, he decides to help her. (If necessary, click on "redirect" links)

Check Your Understanding

  • Learn and Practice by completing activities 1-5 that follow the video to check your understanding and to familiarize yourself with the lesson’s vocabulary. With these activities you will activate your listening and reading skills.
  • Read through the dialogues and complete activities 6 and 7. You'll find many separable verbs here. You already know them, but you can revise them here by choosing the right word for each blank. You'll learn new words at the same time.


  • Complete activities 8 and 9 that follow to participate in the dialog that takes place at the ticket counter. With these activities you will activate your speaking skills.

Extension and Application

  • Imagine that you are travelling this weekend (just like Inge in the video) from Cologne to Bingen am Rhein. You want to travel by train and you need to buy a train ticket. Here is the link to Deutsche Bahn (German Railroad). Explore the webpage and find the best deal you can. Your departure day is Friday, the 17th of April and you want to return to Cologne on Sunday, the 19th of April. Stop surfing the web page once you reach the point where you have to pay with the credit card. Consider the following questions:
  • What time should you travel to get the best deal?
  • What time should you travel so that you do not have to switch trains?
  • What type of train will get you there the fastest? (RB, IC, ICE, S)
  • What is the distance between Colonge and Bingen?
  • What is the difference between Sparangebote und Flexpreise?
  • Which type of ticket would be best for you? Why?
  • Locate Cologne and Bingen on the map.

Here is the best deal that I found at the time when I was looking. Can you beat it?

Take a screenshot of your Angebot and share with your classmate, teacher.

As you see in the previous slides, I would be travelling with the IC (Intercity). (The IC trains travel at a maximum speed of up to 200km/h, which makes them only slightly slower than the high-speed Intercity Express (ICE). Intercity (IC) trains operate solely within Germany.) I could be in Bingen in 2 hours 12 min and would need to switch trains once.


  • Watch the video Bingen am Rhein | Stadt und Sehenswürdigkeiten | Rhein-Eifel.TV and answer the following questions: (personal device required to view)
  • Why would Bingen be a great weekend getaway for someone like Inge?
  • What would she do there?
  • Would Bingen be a good place to visit by a young person like yourself?
  • What would you do there?
  • Would you like to visit Bingen?

German 3

Learning Goals:

I can talk about alternative energy.

I can express enthusiasm.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours

Learn & Practice:

Critical Thinking

  • Consider the following question:

How could I build more energy efficient structures, such as houses, offices,

or other buildings?


  • Check out the Vocabulary section of the Umweltschutz on this page.
  • Practice and test your memory by creating your own set of flashcards from this list on (If necessary, click on "redirect" links)
  • Build your Vocabulary skills with your set by using the flashcards and other games for

10-15 minutes, 3-5 times a week.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen and watch this episode of Nicos Weg, Umweltschutz
  • Write down key words you hear and expressions of enthusiasm.
  • List who the main characters are.
  • Write in German what you think the main idea is.

Check your understanding

  • Did you understand that Lisa and Selma meet each other for lunch at Cafe Marek? They are talking about Selma’s work and how to build more energy efficient structures, specifically a bridge. Then Yara comes in and tells about organizing a flea market for refugees.
  • Activate your listening, reading and speaking skills by doing exercises 1-5,

Extension and Application

  • Choose one alternative energy source that interests you, such as Windenergie, Sonnenenergie or E-Autos, etc.
  • Create an illustration depicting this energy source and title it in German.

Culture and Extended Writing

  • Explore one or more alternative energy sources used in Germany today.
  • Compare it with how it is used in the United States or where you live.


  • Create a Digital Learning Log (on paper or a Google document) to write about the most important things you learned this week.
  • Share with a classmate or your teacher.
  • Be sure to include an expression of enthusiasm!


Latin 1

Learning goal: I can read and translate Latin stories while recognizing the grammatical structures you have learned (pronouns and comparatives)

Estimated time for week: 2.5 hours

Learn and Practice

  1. Reading and critical thinking
    1. Refer to Cambridge Elevate website and navigate to Stage 10
    2. Reading and critical thinking:
  2. Navigate to Videos and listen to the video on Cambridge Elevate entitled Statuae Intro
  3. Read and complete pg 140
  4. Navigate to Statuae section under the Explore the Story section
    1. Translate into good English while taking note of any comparatives
  5. Test your vocabulary:
  6. Use the “Test Your Vocabulary” section to quiz yourself on the vocabulary for this stage
  7. Write 2 sentences in Latin that focus solely on the comparative construction
  8. 3 times a week for 5 minutes, review the vocabulary ONLY found in Controversia and Statuae (including pronouns)
  9. Listening and Critical Thinking:
  10. Choose Statuae under the Explore the Story section
    1. Click on “listen” at the top
    2. Click on the first line of the story, which will play the entire story
    3. Listen to the entire story without reading. Try to pick out specific words or phrases and write them down
      1. Now read the story and check what you’ve written down
  11. Extension and application:
  12. Choose one of the lines of the story you have translated and write a short paragraph about the importance of statuary in Roman culture
  13. Culture
  14. Research the importance of statuary regarding votive offerings
  15. Answer the following question based on your research to the question above: Why was the sculptor indispensable to everyday life in Rome?
  16. Reflect
  17. In an ongoing digital “Learning Log” (paper or Google Doc), write notes about the most important things you learned this week (topic, new vocabulary, etc.). You can share this with your teacher in any virtual sessions you have.

Latin 2

Learning Goal: I can read and answer comprehension questions from the stories. I can translate grammatical structures that are more complicated. I can recognize sentence patterns.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes for the week

Reading and Critical Thinking

  • Read the story Senator Advenit in the explore the story section on Cambridge elevate.Using the text in the previous item, click on the section labeled think and answer the questions there, checking your answers as you go.
  • Read and translate the first 10 lines of Memor Suscipit I.

Check Your Understanding

  • For each of the stories, click on the listen sections. Write down ten vocabulary words or expressions that you recognize.
  • Identify perfect passive participles:ie: write them down.
  • Test your vocabulary by using the section on the web page or quizlet.
  • Practice grammar with the language activity section on the web page.
  • For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, practice grammar and conjugation Cambridge Elevate.

Listening and Critical Thinking

  • Listen to Senator Advenit and the first 10 lines of Memor Suscipit I.
  • Write down key words you hear.
  • In English or Latin, write down what you think the main idea is.

Extension and Application

  • List the parts of the baths. If you need to refer to the first or second unit do so. Write down the main parts of the baths. Define each term.


  • Learn the vocab and practice and test your memory by testing your vocabulary on the Cambridge elevate website.

Culture and/or Extended Writing

  • Examples:On the web page for Cambridge elevate, explore the cultural information. Write down 2 things you knew already, 2 things you wish to find out more about, and 2 things you didn't know.

Latin 3-4

Learning Goal: I can read and translate Latin stories while recognizing grammatical structures and comprehending the meaning of the stories.

Estimated Time for The Week: 2 hours, 30 minutes for the week

Learn & Practice:

  1. Reading and Critical Thinking
    1. Refer to the Cambridge Elevate website and navigate to stage 26. Go to the explore the story section on the web site. Click on the listen to the story and before translating listen to the story.
    2. Translate the story by using the read section of explore the story.
    3. Answer the critical thinking questions on pg. 93 of the web book.
  2. Check Your Understanding
    1. Reread your translation checking for grammatical errors.
  3. Listening and Critical Thinking
    1. Navigate to the explore the story section of the web site. Click on listen to the story.
    2. Write down key words you hear.
    3. Click on think questions and answer the questions there, checking your answers as you go.
  4. Extension and Application
    1. Choose one of the characters you have read about and write a descriptive paragraph about that character backing up your description with references to the text.
  5. Vocabulary
    1. For five minutes, 2-5 times this week, use the text your vocabulary skills to review your vocabulary. You may also use quizlet.
  6. Culture and/or Extended Writing
    1. Choose one of the stories you have read. Illustrate five of the Latin sentences you have read.

AP Courses

View the AP page and College Board Website.