
March 17, 2020

Happy Summer!

The Edmond Learning Dashboard will stay live through July 2020 for students and families to access essential fourth quarter learning content. Note that some education companies offered their content for free temporarily. Thus, a few components of the Dashboard have been removed, and Edmond encourages families to skip any Dashboard component that requires a payment.

April 20, 2020

Five additional meal-giving school locations now serving kids! See the section "Meals Provided by EPS Child Nutrition" on the EPS Eats page.

April 30, 2020

Update From EPS Technology: YouTube Video Access

To expand and improve access to YouTube videos used in the weekly content, we will be upgrading our internet content filter on Chromebooks. Effective Thursday, April 30, 2020:

  • District student iPads will only be able to access YouTube videos for grades PreK-5; they will not be able to access YouTube videos for grades 6-12.
  • District student Chromebooks (small, Chrome-based laptops) will be able to access all educational videos used on the Dashboard, grades PreK-12.
  • Note: If using a non-EPS, personal device (PCs, phones, etc.), all YouTube videos should be visible to you, unless you have set your own restrictions, such as parental permissions.

Reporting Access Issues: If you experience content filtering problems, any block screens or problems accessing YouTube videos on the EPS Learning Dashboard, please report the issue by phone (405-726-3333) or the “online support request” found HERE.

Announcement: April 27, 2020

Limited Access To Audio Narrations in Elementary Slides

Unfortunately, the audio narration error message many receive within the slideshows ("allowed playbacks have been exceeded") is something we cannot fix. We contacted Google Support and took every recommended step; however, even so, the quota limit is being reached daily. The audio feature in Google Slides is new, and Edmond's amazing teachers are using it in a far more robust way than Google intended.

At this time, there is not another narration option within Google Slides.

Many of our teachers have chosen to continue adding the narrations, even though the audio will not be accessible for all students. You may be more likely to access the audio narrations if working days or weeks behind (not at the same time as the masses). In general, please consider the audio narrations a bonus feature, not a guaranteed component.

We're sorry for this inconvenience and hope the learning content, even without narration, is helpful to you and your family. Have a wonderful day of learning!

April 6, 2020

Announcement: Passwords have been reset for PreK-5th grade students.

Parents/Guardians: Check your email for more details.